AddOn Ideas Header/footer stripper - user provides "selector" (xpath) to identify header/footer and element is removed safely for html selector = "div.footer" (div with the class "footer") May need to remove parent (or granparent of element) How to help non-techies build the selector? Email notifications - use postie_email_* filters and some new settings panels along with some templating. User can select which post status fire the email. Configurable message for "post confirmation" - variable substitution, by post status AddOn to remove images Option to include/exclude
wrapper element Bugs #img# caption feature not working Comment not being created when subject contains category command []. I.e. listserv subject lines Comment not being created when subject contains format or type. I.e. re: image//Image subject oAuth Google Sign-In Microsoft/Exchange Sign-In Other Add default comment status (like post status) wp_set_comment_status Test server port combination by opening a socket connection to see if any service responds. (via ajax call) Change all "filters" to "addons" and allow them to be disabled (i.e. turn off processing for "date:" provide a location for custom icons. update docs about location. "yoast" style admin sidebar - see clicky by yoast check multiple email accounts allow other roles access to manual check like "Roles That Can Post" For IMAP mailboxes allow the user to choose the folder. Check to see if post already exists. Store hash in custom field. Add Message-ID header value to custom field (postie_message_id?) to both posts and comments. Use In-Reply-To/Message-ID header value as a better way to detect replies dynamically determine video size (height/width) - readme tips review plugin structure Support EXIF orientation via PHP Exif Library use wordpress plugin template boilerplate starter-plugin WordPress-Plugin-Template Hooks add hooks for post meta data change post type post format category date comment control excerpt tags author add hooks for content changes subject/title post begin post end signature strip hook for actions post failure post success media attachment unpermitted attachment types email rejected email connection failure mail read mail delete collect and send last debug log and system info (see ========= Revised parsing logic convert all logic to filters before session filter before mail filter email/account filter attachment filter iterate through each html element (p, div, etc) and apply all filters and buffer output after mail filter after session filter convert plain text to html using same logic as wp - i.e. all text is html Original text is never modified There are filters that modify meta data (tags, categories, date) content (start, end, newlines, linkifying)