/wp-content/plugins/postie/get_mail.php will now receive a 403 error and a message stating what the new URL should be.
The Postie menu is now at the main level rather than a Settings submenu.
= 1.5.14 =
The postie_post filter has be deprecated in favor of postie_post_before.
= 1.5.3 =
Postie can now set the first image in an email to be the "Featured" image. There is a new setting "Use First Image as Featured Image" which is off by default.
Postie now supports Use Transport Layer Security (TLS)
= 1.5.0 =
New filter postie_filter_email. Used to map "from" to any other email. Allows custom user mapping.
= 1.4.41 =
Post format is now supported. You can specify any of the WordPress supported post formats using the Post type syntax.
Post status can now be specified using the status: tag.
Post status setting was renamed to Default Post Status and moved to the Message tab.
= 1.4.10 =
All script, style and body tags are stripped from html emails.
= 1.4.6 =
Attachments are now processed in the order they were attached.
= 1.9.69 (2024-05-08) =
* Additional logging
* Make sure default user is set if no user is found
= 1.9.68 (2023-12-11) =
* Fix email subject and body of confirmation email if there are html entities in the blog name.
= 1.9.67 (2023-11-20) =
* Add option to suppress postie div
= 1.9.66 (2023-11-06) =
* Fix deprecation message for PHP 8.2
* Prevent post notification email if post was trashed
= 1.9.65 (2023-01-30) =
* remove calls to uname() as it typically isn't allowed on hosting platforms.
= 1.9.64 (2023-01-24) =
* fix for strange issue with PHP 8.1
= 1.9.63 (2022-12-29) =
* update simple_html_dom
* update requirements (WP5.6/PHP7.0)
= 1.9.62 (2022-09-21) =
* Timezone fix from https://wordpress.org/support/users/glenstewart/
* Add translation support to more strings
= 1.9.61 (2022-06-24) =
* Fix warning when MIME type is not recognized.
= 1.9.60 (2022-04-13) =
* Add translatable strings to email notification
= 1.9.59 (2022-01-02) =
* fix surrounding div with postie-post class name for plain text messages
= 1.9.58 (2021-12-27) =
* deal with possibility of no post formats (reported by @rogerlos)
* add surrounding div with postie-post class name for CSS rules for themes.
= 1.9.57 (2021-09-07) =
* if any attachment doesn't have a file extension use the secondary mime type
= 1.9.56 (2021-08-06) =
* remove Allow HTML In Mail Body from settings as it didn't do anything
* add Allow Duplicate Comments setting to deal with WordPress killing the import
* fix issue where unknown email was leaving tmppost, now creates draft message
* add setting to disable legacy commands
= 1.9.55 (2021-03-09) =
* Add post id to action postie_comment_after
* remove Create Alternate Image Sizes from settings as it didn't do anything
* Add compatibility for WordPress 5.7
= 1.9.54 (2020-10-18) =
* Add compatibility for WordPress 5.5
= 1.9.53 (2020-06-05) =
* Add postie_subject filter
= 1.9.52 (2020-05-19) =
* Fix issue with detecting categories when there are multiple colons in the subject line
= 1.9.51 (2020-05-08) =
* remove ob_end_flush from log_onscreen()
= 1.9.50 (2020-04-21) =
* Add more wp_insert_post failure logging
= 1.9.49 (2020-04-19) =
* Add more wp_insert_post failure logging
= 1.9.48 (2020-04-18) =
* Add more wp_insert_post failure logging
= 1.9.47 (2020-04-16) =
* Add wp_insert_post failure logging
= 1.9.46 (2020-04-11) =
* escape IMAP password
* fix logging in get_parent_postid
* ensure any modification by shortcode are retained
= 1.9.45 (2020-03-29) =
* Fix email notification bug
= 1.9.44 (2020-03-23) =
* refactoring to separate email fetch from email processing
* add postie_register_shortcode_pre action for registering Postie shortcodes
= 1.9.43 (2020-02-18) =
* Begin migration of shortcode support into Postie main
= 1.9.42 (2020-02-18) =
* Fix: signature stripping in html emails was failing sometimes
= 1.9.41 (2020-02-01) =
* Fix: different regex approach for html vs plain
* Only process 1 email at a time
= 1.9.40 (2019-11-13) =
* Fix issue with class-oembed.php upgrade
= 1.9.39 (2019-11-12) =
* Add Site Health checks
* PHP 7.3 compatibility
* Fix bug where if Remove matched categories is No then the default category is always set.
* Address deprecated file class-oembed.php
= 1.9.38 (2019-07-27) =
* Fix bug where filtering out an attachment prevented other attachments from being processed
= 1.9.37 (2019-06-20) =
* Update logging to output encoding info
* Fix bug where non-image titles are blank
= 1.9.36 (2019-06-11) =
* Fix bug where image titles are blank
= 1.9.35 (2019-05-31) =
* Allow for a single admin when sending post confirmation emails
= 1.9.34 (2019-05-15) =
* Workaround for WP bug #39521 to correctly set image caption from image metadata
= 1.9.33 (2019-04-29) =
* Assign author to all media items
= 1.9.32 (2019-03-02) =
* Move intermediate_image_sizes_advanced filter to only be effective when Postie is running
= 1.9.31 (2019-02-28) =
* Additional logging to chase down customer issue
= 1.9.30 (2019-02-25) =
* WP 5.1 compatibility testing
* Add setting to skip image resizing
= 1.9.29 (2019-02-18) =
* Fix delay, command was not being removed from content in all cases
* Additional debug output to track down attachment issue
= 1.9.28 (2019-01-10) =
* fix IMAP end of message detection
* remove insecure cURL settings
* fix simple_html_dom regex to be compatible with PHP 7.3
= 1.9.27 (2018-12-20) =
* Add new filter postie_parent_post to allow custom parent post detection
* Existing parent post detection now only looks at the configured post type and uses the most recent if multiple are found
= 1.9.26 (2018-11-23) =
* If no category is specified and the post type is "page" then the default category is not added
* Additional CID changes
= 1.9.25 (2018-10-02) =
* Add support for CIDs with surrounding <>
* Add support for URLs with unusual characters
= 1.9.24 (2018-07-12) =
* log functions that use Postie filters
* remove empty tags
= 1.9.23 (2018-05-28) =
* Fix issue when attachment doesn't conform to MIME standard
= 1.9.22 (2018-05-28) =
* Remove Text for Message Start and Text for Message End defaults as they conflicted with some CSS
= 1.9.21 (2018-05-08) =
* Fix: WP is removing backslashes so double them up before saving
= 1.9.21 (2018-04-11) =
* Fix: Compatibility with PHP 5.2-5.4
= 1.9.20 (2018-04-11) =
* Fix: Don't emit attachment div if there is no content after template generation
= 1.9.19 (2018-03-21) =
* Fix: Recognize paragraph line ending in text mode for both styles
= 1.9.18 (2018-03-13) =
* Fix: new signature removal logic removed line endings in some cases
= 1.9.17 (2018-03-12) =
* Fix: Plain text with < > being processed as html causing loss of content during signature removal
= 1.9.16 (2018-02-21) =
* Fix: don't linkify URLs in style attributes
= 1.9.15 (2018-01-25) =
* Fix: accommodate extra spaces in content type header when charset is specified
= 1.9.14 (2017-12-01) =
* Feature: Additional logging of graphics library in use.
= 1.9.13 (2017-11-22) =
* Feature: New filter postie_include_attachment to allow/prevent attachment to be added to post. See http://postieplugin.com/filter-postie_include_attachment/
= 1.9.12 (2017-11-15) =
* Fix: use wp native function to detect MySQL version
= 1.9.11 (2017-11-10) =
* Fix: remove encoding option, everything is UTF-8.
* Feature: add MySQL version to debug output, suppress many email parsing debug messages
* Fix: don't set actual post format if "standard"
* Feature: Hides WordPress post-by-email feature if Postie is active
= 1.9.10 (2017-10-31) =
* Fix: WP CLI compatibility
= 1.9.9 (2017-10-30) =
* Fix: remove assumption that there is a user with the administrator role
= 1.9.8 (2017-10-23) =
* Fix: check that global is initialized before using
= 1.9.7 (2017-10-19) =
* Fix: more robustness if iconv fails
= 1.9.6 (2017-10-19) =
* Fix: Post format was not being correctly set.
= 1.9.5 (2017-10-13) =
* Feature: change post status to pending/draft if the user doesn't have publish_posts capability
* Fix: process postie_email_notify_recipients filter regardless of the "Send post confirmation email to" setting
* Fix: process postie_email_reject_recipients filter regardless of the "Send post confirmation email to" setting
= 1.9.4 (2017.08.10) =
* Fix: Incorrectly looking for links in html head style blocks
= 1.9.3 (2017.08.04) =
* Feature: Add "every 2 hours" option
* Fix: Include actual response when IMAP authentication fails
* Fix: Incorrectly processing text/html sections as attachments in some cases
= 1.9.2 (2017.07.24) =
* Fix: Uninitialized variable in Postie::create_post()
* Fix: More robust tag detection
= 1.9.1 (2017-06-28) =
* Feature: Add postie_file_added_pre action
* Fix: improvements to tag detection
* Fix: tags may be specified multiple times
* Fix: significant code restructure to bring Postie in line with current coding practices
* Fix: move signature removal to before newline filtering
* Fix: signature removal was deleting all text if the matching regex had whitespace characters
= 1.8.45 (2017-06-21) =
* Feature: If image placement directive has a caption, update the image metadata to include the caption.
* Fix: Only process delay tag if date was found in header
* Fix: Date tag overrides header and no offsets are applied
* Fix: Check for term slug as well as name
= 1.8.44 (2017-06-14) =
* Ensure only users from current site are validated.
* Process newlines earlier in process.
* WordPress 4.8 compatibility testing.
= 1.8.43 (2017-05-10) =
* Fix "postie-attachments" div to wrap the right content
* Fix time zone adjustment
= 1.8.42 (2017-05-10) =
* Wrap all attachments in div with css class "postie-attachments"
* Remove APOP authentication attempt as some servers disconnect on failure.
= 1.8.41 (2017-05-05) =
* Organizational changes in prep for move to more OO approach
* Fix error when time offset is negative.
= 1.8.40 (2017-04-24) =
* Ensure date set to current date when configured
* Compatibility testing with WordPress 4.7.4
= 1.8.39 (2017-04-18) =
* Ensure the time zone is set when calculating the post time.
* Additional debug output
= 1.8.38 (2017-04-06) =
* Update postie_notify_error to be less noisy.
= 1.8.37 (2017-04-05) =
* Remove DateTimeImmutable references to be compatible with old versions of PHP
= 1.8.36 (2017-04-05) =
* Allow user to specify a IMAP folder (supplied by Alejandro Liu)
* Fix postie_file_added action
* New setting "use time offset" which controls whether or not the postie time offset is applied.
* New setting "ignore_email_date" which controls whether or not the email "from" date is used.
* Other email to post date improvements
* New setting "Notify on Error" to control who gets notified on significant errors.
* Email admins on some errors
* Fix bug when parsing headers that have multiple encoded sections
= 1.8.35 (2017-03-21) =
* Check for blank image file extension and replace with mime subtype to get around new filetype checking in WordPress 4.7.2 https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/39550
* Additional logging of message and part headers
* Fix base64 header decoding so trailing space isn't removed
* Fix header decoding to remove extra utf-8 byte order mark
* Add current WordPress time to logging
= 1.8.34 (2017-03-15) =
* Fix bug when sending reject email
= 1.8.33 (2017-03-13) =
* New setting "Remove matched categories" allows category specifiers to remain in post title.
* New filter postie_cleanhtml to determine if Postie should clean up the html or if some other AddOn will do it.
* Specifically call out public methods
= 1.8.32 (2017-03-07) =
* Ensure password not in logs for POP3.
* Additional POP3 header checks.
* Additional POP3 logging.
* Ensure postie_raw always gets called.
* Default to GMT when timezone is blank.
* Use WordPress function to upload images rather than old custom function.
* Remove Generate Thumbnails option as now handled by WordPress.
* ATT00001.txt and its ilk are now always considered a banned attachment regardless of MIME type.
* Removed call to date_default_timezone_set()
* Send notifications to all WP admins if configured.
* Add support for postie_category filter.
= 1.8.31 (2017-02-07) =
* Remove timezone warning if GMT+0
* Add postie_bare_link filter
= 1.8.30 (2017-02-06) =
* Fixed bug where Postie won't run on PHP versions prior to 5.5.
= 1.8.29 (2017-02-06) =
* Fixed bug where "Include Featured Image in Post" = No was not being respected with inline images (iOS mail).
= 1.8.28 (2017-01-26) =
* Fixed bug where having ignored files can cause email body to be blank.
= 1.8.27 (2017-01-26) =
* Added postie_raw action.
= 1.8.26 (2017-01-24) =
* Fix bug where WordPress timezone was not being taken into effect.
= 1.8.25 (2017-01-20) =
* Fix bug where server settings page not compatible with PHP 5.3
= 1.8.24 (2017-01-20) =
* Fix bug where debug output was displaying plaintext passwords.
* Fix bug where categories specified with a colon required a space after the colon.
* Postie now works off blog time rather than GMT.
* Fix bug where oEmbed::get_provider() is not available on WP versions prior to 4.0.
= 1.8.23 (2017-01-12) =
* Fix bug where long subject lines are missing a space.
* Fix bug where {CAPTION} placeholder not being removed if no caption.
= 1.8.22 (2016-12-07) =
* Fix bug where Image Place Holder Tag setting was not respected
= 1.8.21 (2016-12-07) =
* Clarified the behavior of the "Use custom image field for images" setting and moved it to the Image tab.
* Clarified text on some settings.
* Fix bug which prevented captions from working correctly
* Fix bug which prevented more than 9 #img# references from working.
* Account for unicode non-breaking spaces in regular expressions.
= 1.8.20 (2016-11-21) =
* Fix issue where attachment with Content-ID doesn't have a reference in the html not being added to the post.
= 1.8.19 (2016-11-16) =
* Fix issue where attachments not showing if both plain and html are blank and the attachment is part of a multipart (related) block.
= 1.8.18 (2016-11-16) =
* Fix issue where inline PDF was not being detected as a PDF.
* Fix issue where outlook.com is setting an incorrect mime type on images.
= 1.8.17 (2016-11-03) =
* Fix bugs in cURL connection.
= 1.8.16 (2016-11-03) =
* Fix bug where postie_place_media_before and postie_place_media_after were being called incorrectly.
= 1.8.15 (2016-11-02) =
* Fix bug where inline images were not being replaced correctly if WordPress changed the name of the attachment via sanitize_file_name()
= 1.8.14 (2016-11-01) =
* Fix bug where OS detection failure was preventing email processing
= 1.8.13 (2016-10-31) =
* Fix bug where inline images were not being found due to case differences, e.g. img_4180.jpg vs. IMG_4180.JPG
= 1.8.12 (2016-10-25) =
* Fix bug in postie_email_notify_body filter where the modified body is not used for the email.
= 1.8.11 (2016-10-24) =
* Support Dovecot IMAP server better
= 1.8.10 (2016-10-24) =
* New filter postie_place_media - allows markup to be changed when #img# references are being replaced.
* New filter postie_place_media_before - allows markup to be changed when attachment templates are placed before the content.
* New filter postie_place_media_after - allows markup to be changed when attachment templates are placed after the content.
= 1.8.9 (2016-10-23) =
* Fix bug when calling new postie_email_* filters
* Fix bug where inline and related attachments were not being considered for #img#
= 1.8.8 (2016-10-21) =
* Fix bug where success/fail email notifications had missing info.
* Fix bug where galley wan't being inserted on some plain text messages
* Enhance auto linkification to recognize links like
* Separate success and failure emails.
* Fix readme
* New filter: postie_email_reject_recipients - allows recipients list to be altered when sending failure message
* New filter: postie_email_reject_subject - allows the subject to be altered when sending failure message
* New filter: postie_email_reject_body - allows message content to be altered when sending failure message
* New filter: postie_email_notify_recipients - allows recipients list to be altered when sending success message
* New filter: postie_email_notify_subject - allows the subject to be altered when sending success message
* New filter: postie_email_notify_body - allows message content to be altered when sending success message
= 1.8.7 (2016-10-20) =
* Make code compatible with PHP 5.2
* Fix bug where the connection tried to use TLS even though it shouldn't
* Switch to stream API vs sockets since sockets don't seem to be installed typically and the stream API is core.
* Allow self signed certificates with socket connections
* Don't check peer name with socket connections, many hosting companies aren't configured correctly
= 1.8.6 (2016-10-19) =
* Fix bug where the featured image was not included even though config said it should be.
* Ensure Socket connections try to connect with TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 if SSL is specified.
* Additional logging to help diagnose cURL issue.
= 1.8.5 (2016-10-18) =
* Fix to check if cURL is installed before using
= 1.8.4 (2016-10-17) =
* General release
= 1.8.3 (beta 4) =
* Refactor attachment handling
* Gallery shortcode handling is now correct when there are both images and non-images.
= 1.8.2 (beta 3) =
* New icon set thanks to Chris Lacey
* php-imap replaced by cURL and Socket connection - work sponsored by xsell.net
* TLS automatically detected, setting removed
* Ignore mail state no longer supported, setting removed
* Header array in filter_email3 and postie_post_before filters have changed format
* Fixed paragraph detection in plain text when removing newlines
* Removed old partially functioning forward detection logic
* Transform "[cid:xxx-xx-xx]" references gmail adds to image references.
* Add new filter: postie_post_pre that runs after the email is parsed, but before any changes are made.
* Fixed improper decoding of encoded headers when multiple 'encoded-words' are present.
* Fix to allow multiple #img# reference to the same image.
* The default video 1 template is now 'vshortcode'
* New option: Text fallback. Falls back to plain if html is blank and vice versa.
* Support removing featured image from html
= 1.8.1 (beta 2) =
= 1.8.0 (beta 1) =
= 1.7.32 (2016-04-15) =
* Deal with incorrectly formatted date headers
= 1.7.31 (2016-03-05) =
* Suppress warning message when accessing POP and there are no messages.
= 1.7.30 (2016-02-16) =
* prevent auto-linkifying inside shortcodes
= 1.7.29 (2016-02-15) =
* fixed email header parsing bug in PHP7
= 1.7.28 (2016-02-09) =
* better tag detection with html
* Don't skip image processing when Include Featured Image in Post is set to "No" and the Preferred Text Type is HTML.
* Use the blog name as the "from" text in any emails.
* New filter: postie_filter_email3
* Email headers now available in postie_post_before filter
* When looking for a parent post to add comments ensure the comments are open
= 1.7.27 (2015-12-28) =
* Fix category match settings not saving
= 1.7.26 (2015-12-28) =
* Detect oEmbedable links and don't linkify
* New filter postie_preconnect. http://postieplugin.com/filter-postie_preconnect/
= 1.7.25 (2015-12-15) =
* Fix settings page for new category matching flavors
= 1.7.24 (2015-12-15) =
* Don't process youtube and vimeo links specially.
* New setting to turn off category matching flavors
= 1.7.23 (2015-12-09) =
* Fix bug where emails inside shortcodes were being linkified
* Lookup categories by slug as well as by name
* WordPress 4.4 testing
* Added new video template for using video shortcode
* Added new template variable - FILETYPE which is the file extension
= 1.7.22 (2015-11-09) =
* Update admin screen to match current WP style
* Remove dependence on simple tabs jQuery-UI library and use WP admin tab style
* Remove email password from logging
= 1.7.21 (2015-10-27) =
* Refix bug where "Ignore mail state" setting was being ignored
= 1.7.20 (2015-10-26) =
* Fixed bug where debug info was not being displayed according to settings
* Fix bug where "Ignore mail state" setting was being ignored
* Fix bug where empty post was being generated when already read mail was in the inbox and "Ignore mail state" was "Yes"
* Added postie_session_start and postie_session_end actions
= 1.7.19 (2015-10-13) =
* Fixed bug where allowed mime types was not being respected.
= 1.7.18 (2015-10-13) =
* Fix bug where linkify was messing up CID reference
= 1.7.17 (2015-10-12) =
* New action, postie_log_error
* New action, postie_log_debug
* New feature to turn off all logging
* Only errors logged by default
= 1.7.16 (2015-10-08) =
* Ensure comments are valid html after striping if preferred text type is html
* Add setting to control comment content (strip_reply)
= 1.7.15 (2015-10-02) =
* Completely replace linkify logic
* Support youtu.be links
= 1.7.14 (2015-10-01) =
* Fix bug in new linkify logic
= 1.7.13 (2015-10-01) =
* Fix support for "Automatically convert urls to links" with html
* Fix support for "date" tag with html
* Prep for upcoming translation
= 1.7.12 (2015-09-25) =
* Add new setting to ignore email read/unread state
* Fix support for "tag" tags in html and plain messages
= 1.7.11 (2015-09-18) =
* Add FILEID to image and video templates
= 1.7.10 (2015-09-16) =
* added 15 and 30 second cron schedules
= 1.7.9 (2015-09-14) =
* revert tags logic as html version was messing up the content.
* revert video linkify logic as html version was messing up the content.
* revert linkify logic as html version was messing up the content.
= 1.7.8 (2015-09-08) =
* Remove mbstring admin message. Added fallback if mbstring is not installed
* More explanation for signature regex
* Add 1 minute schedule to supplement new external cron recommendation
* Updates to support upcoming Language Packs feature for plugins
* Moved important warning to admin notices
* New filter postie_category_default
= 1.7.7 (2015-08-24) =
* Fixed bug where "To" and "Reply-To" emails were not parsed correctly for postie_filter_email2 filter
= 1.7.6 (2015-08-13) =
* Added setting to control whether the featured image is included in the post or not.
* Added 2 new filters, postie_comment_before and postie_comment_after
= 1.7.5 (2015-08-06) =
* If featured image is enabled, the featured image will no longer appear in the post.
= 1.7.4 (2015-07-30) =
* Added additional output if wp_insert_post() fails
* Fixed image upload failure when image filename doesn't have an extension
= 1.7.3 (2015-07-22) =
* Fix parameter order bug in postie_gallery filter
= 1.7.2 (2015-07-19) =
* Add filter postie_gallery when generating gallery shortcode
= 1.7.1 (2015-07-16) =
* Fixed issue where multiple custom taxonomy terms were not correctly being saved
= 1.7.0 (2015-07-07) =
* Fixed attachment uploading bug when the type & extension weren't available.
* Clarified "Filter newlines" setting description.
* Better support for Exchange 2010+ thanks to Andrew Chaplin
* New action hook - postie_file_added
= 1.6.19 (2015-05-04) =
* Reduced the number of messages sent to the log for successful runs
* Rename the disable_kses_content() function to postie_disable_kses_content() to fix a conflict with DAP WP LiveLinks Plugin
= 1.6.18 (2015-04-27) =
* Fixed a bug that prevented Postie from detecting categories with an ampersand in them.
* Added support for "future" post status
* Move "Use shortcode for embedding video" setting to Video tab and clarified usage.
* Added setting to specify the link type used with galleries
= 1.6.17 (2015-03-28) =
* Add a setting to attempt a user login based on the from address of the email if a matching Wordpress user exists.
= 1.6.16 (2015-03-17) =
* If using the #img# feature and you supply a caption it will be added to the attachment's alt text.
= 1.6.15 (2015-03-04) =
* Remove "Wrap content in pre tags" option as it was defaulted to "yes" but never correctly applied.
* Allow time correction values of 0.5
* New setting: "Treat Replies As" allows user to specify if replies should be processed as comments or new posts.
* Fix bug in reply detection
* Fix bug when saving custom image field and there was only 1 image
= 1.6.14 (2015-02-26) =
* Fully support custom taxonomies
= 1.6.13 (2015-02-25) =
* Add some additional checks and error messages to postie_media_handle_upload for cases where the TMP directory isn't writable.
* Any user with "Roles that can post" can now be the default poster.
= 1.6.12 (2015-02-09) =
* Fix confirmation emails that were always sending to administrator.
* Fix regression in 1.6.11 which prevented attachments from being displayed in some cases.
= 1.6.11 (2015-01-30) =
* Call wp_set_current_user() so that other WP functions that depend on the current user work correctly. (custom taxonomy)
* Only do image template processing if the preferred text type is plain
* Removed http_response_code() call since it is only supported by PHP 5.4 or newer.
= 1.6.10 (2015-1-2) =
* Testing against 4.1
* New icon in admin
= 1.6.9 (2014.12.1) =
* Post status list is now read from WordPress settings, rather than being a hard-coded list.
* Settings look & feel matching WP default style.
* Testing against WP 4.0.1
= 1.6.8 (2014.11.14) =
* Fixed bug where the #img tag was being used as the subject if it is the very first line in the email.
* Fixed bug where the allow subject in body setting was being ignored.
= 1.6.7 (2014.11.05) =
* Fixed bug where base64 text with utf-8 charset was trying to convert encoding to utf-8
= 1.6.6 (2014.10.29) =
* Add additional debugging to isValidSmtpServer
* Add Japanese translation
* Fixed bug where a subject present in the body is not recognized
= 1.6.5 (2014.10.22) =
* Fixed charset encoding bug when there wasn't a content-transfer-encoding header
* Upgraded simple_html_dom
= 1.6.4 (2014.10.21) =
* Provide post url in success email
= 1.6.3 (2014.10.03) =
* Added postie_filter_email2 filter which includes To and Reply-To headers
* Added postie_author filter
* Revised help/support page
= 1.6.2 (2014.09.22) =
* Moved FAQ and Help to PostiePlugin.com
* Fixed file type issue with wp_handle_upload_prefilter()
* Fixed cron issue
= 1.6.1 (2014.09.19) =
* Allow negative time corrections
* Fix links to settings page
* Misc UI updates
= 1.6.0 (2014.09.18) =
* Updated remote cron url to be more compatible with Wordpress
* The Postie menu has been moved out of the Settings menu to the top level
* Tested with Wordpress 4.0
= 1.5.24 (2014.08.12) =
* Fix attachment renaming bug
* Test with Wordpress 3.9.2
= 1.5.23 (2014.08.11) =
* Remove PEAR/PEAR5 dependency which was causing errors on some systems
* Call wp_handle_upload_prefilter before adding images to WP
* Temporary new post is now draft status
= 1.5.22 (2014.06.10) =
* Fix missing attachments for html messages
= 1.5.21 (2014.06.06) =
* Fixed spelling errors
* Added more debugging around image sizes
* Clarified some image options on settings page
* Removed call to wp_set_post_terms()
= 1.5.20 (2014.05.29) =
* Added logic to prevent appending images when preferred text type is HTML.
* Improved help text on several options and clarified options.
* Additional logging around attachment uploading
= 1.5.19 (2014.04.30) =
* Updated image preview to recognize all variables.
* Updated "wordpress_default" images template to match WP 3.8.
* Clarified logging messages for IMAP/IMAP-SSL/POP3-SSL
* Removed POSTTITLE from templates since we don't know the actual title at template time.
* Verified WordPress 3.9 compatibility
= 1.5.18 (2014.01.12) =
* Reverted text encoding change in 1.5.17.
= 1.5.17 (2013.12.19) =
* Fixed date calculation in test screen.
* Fixed text encoding issues for systems with PHP 5.4
* Updated CSS to better match WordPress 3.8 styles.
* Removed reference to pluggable.php to allow other plugins to plug these functions.
* Verified compatibility with WP 3.8
= 1.5.16 (2013.09.15) =
* Fixed date detection bug in forwarded messages.
* Possible fix for blank screen issue (flush buffers rather than check for sent headers).
* Fixed images showing up in excerpts when not specified.
* Fixed bug where time offset was applied twice.
* Fixed bug where excerpts where not getting the newline settings applied.
* Fixed bug where the attachment template was not getting set on new installs.
* Fixed bug where mp3 files were causing failures when getting meta-data.
* Verified compatibility with WP 3.6 and 3.6.1
= 1.5.15 (2013.07.01) =
* Added message warning that filter 'postie_post' has been deprecated.
* Fixed bug where a category was detected if there happened to be 2 dash (-) characters and a number was the first thing after the first dash.
* Simplified header decoding for non-ASCII languages
= 1.5.14 (2013.06.21) =
* Added PHP version to debug output
* Added PHP version check when disabling GSSAPI
* Added new filter "postie_post_before" to replace "postie_post"
* Added new filter "postie_post_after"
= 1.5.13 (2013.06.18) =
* Added more robust charset conversion to deal with malformed emails.
* Ensure the default title is used when category etc parsing results in blank title
* Consolidate procedure for locating wp-config.php
* Additional debug output.
* Fixed a bug where the default author was being used even though the email had a valid author.
* Added feature to disable IMAP authentication with GSSAPI or NTLM to improve MS Exchange compatibility.
= 1.5.12 (2013.06.08) =
* Added full paths to includes in config_form due to some hosts having include_path set in a way that breaks Postie.
* Added some checks for emails that aren't correctly formatted (AirMail/WinLink)
* Consolidated environmental checks
* Added logic for Debian location of wp-config.php
= 1.5.11 (2013.06.02) =
* Moved test files out of main repository to decrease plugin size
* Fixed issue with readme file (Wordpress readme validator moved)
= 1.5.10 (2013.05.31) =
* Added template field descriptions to image tab.
* Fixed a bug where caption placeholder in templates wasn't being properly set.
* Additional test to see if wp-config.php can be found.
= 1.5.9 (2013.05.18) =
* Fixed a bug where valid users can post via email even though they don't have role permissions.
* Fixed a bug where nice_name was being used in the settings screen even though user_login was needed.
* Fixed the error message when the default poster is not valid.
* Fixed bug where gallery short tag was getting set when non-image attachments were found.
= 1.5.8 (2013.05.14) =
* Added additional default signature patterns.
* Fixed a bug where attachments were not showing up if :start or :end were used.
= 1.5.7 (2013.05.09) =
* Fixed bug where the admin user was not getting set as author in some cases.
* Fixed bug where file names were not being sanitized.
* Added setting to disable thumbnail generation.
* Updated the default signature patterns and help text.
= 1.5.6 (2013-05-07) =
* Fixed bug where default post format was empty when the theme didn't support any formats.
* Removed all hard coded references to wp-content.
* Fixed bug where caption wasn't being filled out in templates.
* Updated direct DB access to use standard methods.
* Added attachment template for non-audio/image/video attachments.
* Added additional checks to the test screen.
* Added new template variable {ICON}
= 1.5.5 (2013.05.02) =
* Added ability to run a manual check with debugging output.
* Added support for default post type.
* Added version number to settings page.
* Changed Admin User to Default Poster, clarified help text and changed input to combo box of valid values.
* Fixed bug where commas (,) were not allowed in signature detection.
* Fixed some CSS issues on admin page.
= 1.5.4 (2013.05.01) =
* Added support for default post format
* Fixed bug where replies were getting attached to the wrong post
* Fixed bug where tags were not being detected correctly in html emails
* Fixed bug in reply detection
= 1.5.3 (2013.04.13) =
* Added support for Featured Images
* Added support for Use Transport Layer Security (TLS)
* Updated postie_filter_email filter to get unprocessed email address
= 1.5.2 (2013.04.12) =
* Fixed bug in post type/format detection when no valid post type/format was found
* Workaround for WP bug when POP3 account has no waiting messages
* Fixed bug where cron was running postie_check on every page load
= 1.5.1 (2013.04.10) =
* Turned on POP3 debug logging if POSTIE_DEBUG is TRUE.
* Disable autocomplete on some setup fields
* Fixed bug where confirmation emails were not being sent to authors
* Fixed bug where post were not saved if the default admin user didn't exist and the from user was not a WordPress user
= 1.5.0 (2013.04.05) =
* Apply Postie Time Correction to date: command
* Add support for Post Formats
* Add support for Post Status
* Add warning if Admin username is invalid
* Fixed bug where date: was not always being detected in html emails
* Improved handling of attachments and mapping to file extensions for template selection
* Video templates now include scale="tofit"
* Add support for older png mime type
* New filter postie_filter_email. Used to map "from" to any other email. Allows custom user mapping.
= 1.4.40 (2013.03.18) =
* Fixed bug where categories specified by ID were not being correctly identified
= 1.4.39 (2013.03.14) =
* Fixed bug where Postie supplied schedules were not always being correctly added to the cron
= 1.4.38 (2013.03.12) =
* Improved POP3 configuration test
* Fixed bug where :start and :end were removing commands like tags: and date: before they got a chance to be processed
= 1.4.37 (2013.03.11) =
* Fixed bug in tag handling
* Fixed bug in category detection
* Worked around a bug in WordPress that was mangling filenames that are not in ASCII, i.e. Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, etc.
= 1.4.36 (2013.03.07) =
* Removed some debugging code from filters and hooks
* Fixed bug where the date command was being ignored
* Added 'quicktime' as a default type for the video1 template
= 1.4.35 (2013.02.22) =
* Consolidated logic for load configuration settings. Fixes bug where new settings were not having their defaults set properly.
* Fixed bug where attachment file name was not being correctly detected.
= 1.4.34 (2013.02.07) =
* Fixed bug in new category logic
= 1.4.33 (2013.02.05) =
* Fixed bug where non-category taxonomy was being selected as the post category.
* Added option to force categories to match exactly.
* Added logic to skip text attachments named "ATT00001.txt" where the numbers can be any sequence. This
improves the previous fix by detecting all attachments added, not just the first one.
= 1.4.32 (2013.01.29) =
* Fixed bug in detecting need for imap extension.
* Added additional selections for "Maximum number of emails to process"
* Added logic to skip text attachments named "ATT00001.txt" which are added by MS Exchange virus scanning.
* Added option to check for email every 5 minutes.
= 1.4.31 (2013.01.25) =
* Enhanced category detection to be compatible with Polylang plugin.
* Enhanced prerequisite detection.
* Now using wp_mail() instead of mail()
* WordPress 3.5.1 compatibility
= 1.4.30 (2013.01.22) =
* Fixed bug that caused activation to fail or show a blank page.
* Fixed bug where WP media upload rejects a file.
* Added a check for mbstring.
* Fixed bug when attachment names were only supplied via d_parameters.
= 1.4.29 (2013.01.19) =
* Fixed bug where manually running Postie worked, but calling get_mail.php directly did not.
= 1.4.28 (2013.01.18) =
* Fixed bug in "reset settings to default" where the protocol wasn't being retained.
* More cleanup and clarification on settings screen.
* Fixed bug where excerpts weren't getting set if "Filter newlines" was set to "Yes"
* Removed logic to increase memory size.
= 1.4.27 (2013.01.17) =
* Updated sample plugin for extending Postie.
* Updated documentation for template variables.
* Fixed a bug where text/plain attachments were not being treated as attachments.
* Look for and include filterPostie.php in wp-content if it exists. (used for custom filters so they don't get deleted on upgrades)
* Cleanup of settings screen layout.
* Added additional error logging for mail connections.
= 1.4.26 (2013.01.15) =
* Fixed a bug where signatures were not removed in html emails.
* Added support for text attachments such as text/calendar.
= 1.4.25 (2013.01.15) =
* Fixed a bug where newlines were being removed erroneously.
= 1.4.24 (2013.01.13) =
* Fixed a bug where the original attachment name wasn't being used.
* Fixed a bug where the #eimg# tags in the excerpt were not getting expanded.
= 1.4.23 (2013.01.10) =
* Fixed a bug with embedded CID referenced images.
= 1.4.22 (2013.01.10) =
* Fixed a bug where the subject was not being properly decoded when Q-encoding was used.
* Fixed a bug in #img# caption detection.
* Fixed a bug where the tag command was picking up too much text.
* Enhanced the date command to allow times as well.
= 1.4.21 (2013.01.09) =
* Removed all Call-time pass-by-references to support PHP 5.4
= 1.4.20 (2013.01.08) =
* Added Date feature. You can now specify a specific publication date.
* Fixed a bug with embeded youtube/vimeo links when shortcodes are turned off
= 1.4.19 (2013.01.07) =
* Fixed a bug that prevented the settings from being saved
= 1.4.18 (2013.01.06) =
* Fixed a bug where linkifying was doing too much.
* Updated lots of method names in preparation for some significant structural changes.
= 1.4.17 (2013.01.03) =
* Fixed a bug where non image/video attachments were not getting added to the post.
= 1.4.16 (2013.01.03) =
* Fixed a bug where an extra div tag was getting added.
* Fixed a bug when linkifying URLs.
* Fixed a bug where inline images were not being detected.
= 1.4.15 (2013.01.02) =
* Fixed a bug when a category is specified with [] and a colon (:) is in the subject, but not specifying a category
= 1.4.14 (2012.12.29) =
* Fixed a bug where attached images were not being detected properly causing a "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial." error
* Tweaked some CSS.
= 1.4.13 (2012.12.26) =
* Fixed bug that was truncating content at the first html encoded character.
= 1.4.12 (2012.12.17) =
* Added feature to limit the number of emails processed
* Fixed bug where #img# was not processing the caption correctly
= 1.4.11.(2012.12.14) =
* Fixed bug where having a colon in the subject caused the subject to get truncated
* Added donation link to admin screen
* Fixed bug where #img# captions with double-byte characters were not working
* Fixed bug where default settings were corrupt
* Fixed several bugs in tag detection logic
* Fixed bug where non-base64 and non-quoted-printable sections were not converted to utf-8
* Fixed bug where the end filter wasn't removed from the post
* Add additional logging to attachment upload process
* Changes to support WP 3.5
= 1.4.10 (2012.12.11) =
* Fixed warning when there is no subject
* Removed all script and style tags from HTML content in place of XSS warning
* Removed XSS warning
* Fixed bug where post type was not being detected if only case is different
* Fixed bug with custom post type and leading spaces in the subject
* Fixed bug where custom fields were not being populated for images
= 1.4.9 (2012.12.10) =
* Fixed bug where date, author, etc didn't get set.
* Fixed bug where Postie was treating attached images as strings
* Fixed bug where inline images were not being attached correctly
* Fixed bug where the subject was not being decoded correctly if the charset was different from the system charset
* Fixed bug where base64 strings were being double decoded.
= 1.4.8 (2012.12.09) =
* Fixed collisions with simple_html_dom
* Fixed bug when trying to get file name from MIME part
* Fixed bug causing Cannot modify header information warning
= 1.4.7 (2012.12.07) =
* Fixed bug in cron setup that was preventing Weekly, twice an hour and every ten minute schedules from running.
= 1.4.6 (2012.12.06) =
* Changed XSS check to only emit warning until a better solution can be developed
* Fixed bug where authorized addresses were being checked with case sensitive rather than insensitive.
* Started using PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/
* Started process of logging all error messages to the log as well as the page (where appropriate)
* Fixed bug where "Preferred Text Type" was not displaying the saved value in settings page.
* Fixed bug where Postie was wiping out all other cron schedules.
* Fixed a number of missing internationalization strings (no translations added however)
* Added documentation for the comments: command
* Added feature to specify a custom post type in the subject line. Thanks to Raam Dev http://raamdev.com for his code.
* Removed a number of deprecated WordPress functions.
* Fixed numerous warning messages
* Added phpUnit tests
* Allow wp-config.php to be in alternate location as described here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress#Securing_wp-config.php
* Fixed a bug that didn't replace the #img# tags correctly.
= 1.4.5 (2012.11.14) =
* Fixed bug in XSS attack vulnerability code. Thanks to R Reid http://blog.strictly-software.com/2012/03/fixing-postie-plugin-for-wordpress-to.html
* Fixed bug where emails with multiple categories has the incorrect title
* Fixed bugs where PHP setting were not being changed correctly - thanks to Peter Chester http://tri.be/author/peter/
* New maintainer
= 1.4.4 (2012.08.10) =
* Fixed possible XSS attack vulnerability
= 1.4.3 =
* Removed get_user_by function to make compatible with wp 3.3 - now requires
= 1.4.2 (2011.01.29) =
* Fixed mailto link bug (thanks to Jason McNeil)
* Fixed bug with attachments with non-ascii characters in filename (thanks to
* checking for socket errors when checking mail (thanks elysian)
* fixed issue with multiple files not being inserted correctly
* Added support for ISO 8859-15 (thanks paolog)
* fixed sql injection problem (thanks Jose P. Espinal for pointing it out)
* Fixed namespace clashing for get_config function
= 1.4.1 (2010.06.18) =
* Images appear in correct order when using images append = false
* Fixed formatting problem with wordpress_default image template
* Captions now correctly work with wordpress >3.0 and <3.0
* Fixed auto_gallery feature
* Default port is now 110
* Added more configuration tests
* Added background color to settings page to make input boxes more visible
* Removed extra quote character in captions from #img# placeholders (thanks
SteelD for pointing out the error)
* Added support for big5 and gb-1232 encodings (thanks Chow)
* Fixed issue with configurations items stored as arrays, which caused
problems with validating authorized addresses
* Fixed bug with replaceImageCIDs function
* On hosts which allow it, we set max execution time to 300 seconds and
memory_limit to infinity to allow processing of large e-mails (especially
with large attachments)
* Images are sorted in order of filename before inserting into post
= 1.4 (2010.04.25) =
* Now using wordpress settings api (thanks for much help from Andrew S)
* Cronless postie is now integrated with postie instead of a separate plugin
* filterPostie.php moved to filterPostie.php.sample
* Can use fetchmails.php to fetch mail from multiple mailboxes
* Fixed problem with embedding youtube videos from html (richtext) e-mail
* Added support for embedding vimeo vidoes
* Fixed problem with selecting "none" as icon set for attachments (thanks
* Fixed problems with cronless postie settings
* Fixed bug with embedding youtube and vimeo videos whose ID contains a -
(thanks Jim Kehoe)
* Post_author is now included with attachments
* fixed confirmation_email settings so that now you can select between sender,
admin, both, or none (thanks to redsalmon for pointing out bug)
* Added option to automatically insert galleries
* Updated FAQ and readme
= 1.3.4 (2009.10.05) =
* Fixed problem with images not posting under cron
* Fixed issue with disappearing password
= 1.3.3 (2009.09.11) =
* Fixed problem with double titles
* Fixed error in wp-mu
* Cronless postie now correctly updates when changing the setting in the
postie settings
* Small fix in handling of names of attachments (thanks to Teejot)
* Fixed delay option (thanks to redbrandonk)
* Cronless option value is now correctly deleted when deactivating the
cronless postie plugin
= 1.3.2 (2009.08.27) =
* tags are now always an array, even if no default tags are set
* Subject is showing up again if you do not have the IMAP extension
* More information on the IMAP extension and more user-friendly
* Fixed problems with smtp server settings in 1.3.1
* Added russian translation (thanks to fatcow.com)
= 1.3.1 (2009.08.24) =
* Changed GetContent filter to postie_post
* Added database upgrade hook on activation
* Fixed bug where content would be empty if trying to remove signature,
and signature list was emtpy
* Updated FAQ and readme
= 1.3.0 (2009.08.14) =
* Features
* Added mpeg4 to default list of videotypes
* Added support for KOI8-R character set (cyrillic)
* Added support for iso-8859-2 character set (eastern european)
* Added option to include custom icons for attachments
* Added option to send confirmation message to sender
* Enhanced e-mails for unauthorized users
* Added option to send unauthorized e-mail back to sender
* Added option to only allow e-mails from a specified list of smtp
* Added option to use shortcode for embedding videos (works with the
videos plugin http://www.daburna.de/download/videos-plugin.zip
* Better handling of comment authors (thanks to Petter for suggestion)
* Simplified message options (now includes an advanced options section)
* Added filter ability for post content
* Bug fixes
* No longer including wp-config.php
* If tmpdir is not writable, try a different tmpdir
* More subject encoding fixes
* Updated image templates, which were causing problems for cron
* Fixed in text captions
* Fixed SQL problems when updating options
* Fixed name clashes with other plugins
* Fixed custom image field
= 1.3.beta (2009.07.01) =
* Mores fixes for character issues in subject
* Now handling Windows-1256 (arabic) character set
* Fixed image uploading on windows servers
* Fixed replying to message adds comment
* Uploading pictures via MMS should now work
* Fixed some issues with e-mails from outloook 12
* Greatly reduced number of database queries
* No longer requiring config_handler.php
= 1.3.alpha (2009.06.05) =
* Now using default wordpress image and upload handling, which means:
* No more creating special directories for postie
* No more confusion about imagemagick
* Can now use the [gallery] feature of wordpress
* Attachments are now connected to posts in the database
* All image resizing uses wordpress's default settings (under media)
* Configuration, settings and documentation improvements
* Completely redesigned settings page (mostly thanks to Rainman)
* Reset configuration no longer deletes mailserver settings
* Now including help files and faq directly in settings page
* More media features
* Automatically turn links to youtube into an embedded player
* Added option to embed audio files with custom templates
* Video options are now template based
* Image options are now solely template based, with several new default
* Bug fixes
* Uploading images from vodafone phones should now work
* Correctly handling Windows-1252 encoding
* Correctly handling non-ascii characters in subject line
= 1.2.3 (2009.05.17) =
* Fixed headers already sent bug
* Converted shortcode `` to proper `
= 1.1.4 (2009.03.06) =
* Added more image options (open in new window, custom image template)
* can now add captions to images
* Can now add tags (including default tag option)
= 1.1.3 (2009.02.20) =
* Fixed delayed posting
* updated readme some
= 1.1.2 (2008.07.12) =
* now maintained by Robert Felty
* allow negative delays
* will glean author information from forwarded or redirected e*mails
* replying to an e*mail adds a comment to a post
* fixed category handling to work with taxonomy
* fixed one syntax error
* added option to wrap posts and comments in tags
= 1.1.1 =
Below is all the of the version information. As far as I can tell there once was a guy named John Blade. He took some of the original wp-mail.php code
and started hacking away on it. He actually got pretty far. About the time I discovered WordPress and his little hack - called WP-Mail at the time - he
went on a vacation or something. There were some problems with the script, and it was missing some features I wanted. I hacked away at it and got it
into a place where it did what I wanted. I started posting about it since I figured other people might want the features.
John didn't release any more versions at least up til July 2005. So I started accepting submissions and feature requests from people to help make the
code better. In June/July 2005 I discovered a little plugin by Chris J Davis (http://www.chrisjdavis.org/cjd-notepad/) called notepad. I added a small
feature to it (basically a bookmarklet). In the process I started looking at his code and realized how much you could do with the plugin system
available in Word Press.
So I decided to make an official fork. I put up an article on my blog asking for new names. I picked Postie. I then modified the code to be a proper
plugin. And the rest is history :)
* BUGFIX -problem with subject
* BUGFIX -cronless postie typo
= 1.1 =
* FEATURE: Updated and tested with WordPress 2.1
* BUGFIX:Removed deprecated functions
* FEATURE: Cronless Postie now uses the WordPress native Psuedo Cron.
= 1.0 =
* BUGFIX: TestWPVersion broke with 2.1
* FEATURE: end: now marks the end of a message (Dan Cunningham)
* FEATURE: Better Readme (Michael Rasmussen)
* FEATURE: Smart Sharpen Option -EXPERIMENTAL- (Jonas Rhodin)
* BUGFIX: Issue with google imap fixed (Jim Hodgson)
* BUGFIX: Fixed espacing issue in subjects (Paul Clip)
* BUGFIX: Typo in Div fixed (phil)
= =
* BUGFIX: Typo
= =
* BUGFIX: Removed debugging code
= =
* BUGFIX: If your email address matches an existing user - then it will post as that user - even if you allow anyone to post.
* BUGFIX: Replaced get_settings('home') with get_settings('siteurl')
* BUGFIX: Better handling for Japanese character sets - Thanks to http://www.souzouzone.jp/blog/archives/009531.html
* BUGFIX: Better thumbnail window opening code - thanks to Gabi & Duntello!
* FEATURE: Added an option to set the MAX Height of an image - idea from Duntello
* BUGFIX: Modified the FilterNewLines for better flowed text handling - You now HAVE TO PUT TWO NEW LINES to end a paragraph.
* FEATURE: Added new CSS tags to support positioning images/attachments/3gp videos
* BUGFIX: Tries to use the date in the message (Thanks Ravan) I tried this once before and it never worked - hopefully this time it will.
* BUGFIX: Added a workaround to fix the problem with Subscribe2 - it will now notify on posts that are not set to show up in the future.
= =
* BUGFIX: Looks for the NOOP error and disgards it
* FEATURE: Postie now detects the version of WordPress being used
* FEATURE: Smarter Parsing of VodaPhone
* FEATURE: Easy place to add new code to handle other brain-dead mail clients
* BUGFIX: Handles insertion of single quotes properly
* BUGFIX: Thumbnails should now link properly
= =
* BUGFIX: Needed a strtolower in places to catch all iso-8859 - thx to Gitte Wange for the catch
* BUGFIX: Fixed issue with the category not being posted properly
= 0.9.9 =
* BUGFIX: Config Page now works
* FEATURES: Supports role based posting
* BUGFIX: Posting updates the category counts.
= =
* BUGFIX: Fixed problems with config page <%php became (Full Name) supported
* BUGFIX: Some images that were not being resized - are now
* BUGFIX: HTML problems - if you posted plain text with HTML on it ignored all images
* BUGFIX: The test system blew up on the thumbnails
* BUGFIX: Selected HTML for preferred text is now shown in the config form properly
* BUGFIX: Postie now complains if it is not in its own directory
* BUGFIX: Postie doesn't include PEAR if it is already available
* BUGFIX: In Test mode rejected emails are simply dropped
* BUGFIX: Markdown messes up Postie - it will warn you if you turn it on.
= =
* BUGFIX: Fixed issue with the line feed replacement
* BUGFIX: Added Banned File Config back in
* FEATURE: Added in a link around 3gp video embedded via QT
* BUGFIX: Email that has both Plain and HTML content will show the HTML content and not the plain if html is preferred
= =
* BUGFIX: Fixed an extra new line after attaching non-image files.
* BUGFIX: The Test system now displays any missing gd functions
* BUGFIX: The test system was only using ImageMagick
= =
* BUGFIX: The test images are now included in the zip
= 0.9.8 =
* BUGFIX: New Lines detected and handled properly in cases where the mail client doesn't put a space before the new line (Miss Distance)
* BUGFIX: 3gp mime type added (Paco Cotera)
* BUGFIX: Authorized Email Addresses are not case-insensitive
* FEATURE: The larger image now does a proper pop up
* BUGFIX: Fixed Timeing Issue - turns out it wasn't reading the db at all
* FEATURE: New Test Screen - to help track down problems
= 0.9.7 =
* BUGFIX: removed all short tags
* BUGFIX: There were spacing issues in the way I wrote the QT embed statements
* FEATURE: Added calls to WP-Cron - should work with that properly now if you activate Cronless Postie
* FEATURE: ImageMagick version works without any calls to GD
* BUGFIX: Postie now correctly handles cases wjere tjere are multiple blogs in one db
* BUGFIX: Turned off warnings when using without GD
* FEATURE: add the rotate:X to your message to rotate all images
* FEATURE: new filter_postie_thumbnail_with_full which makes it easy to show a thumbnail on the front page but full image on the single page - see FAQ
= 0.9.6 =
* BUGFIX: handles email addresses that are no name and just (Steve Cooley Reported)
* FEATURE: Basic support for embedding flash files
* BUGFIX: Postie now handles creating the correct URL on non Unix platforms
* BUGFIX: Fixed problem with file attachments not being put in the right place.
* FEATURE: You can now choose to use imagemagick convert to handle making thumbnails
* BUGFIX: Rewrote Cronless Postie to use direct sockets
* BUGFIX: Time offset is now settable just for Postie - hopefully this will fix problems for cases where the normal time offset doesn't work properly.
* FEATURE: First draft of frame for a 3GP video
* FEATURE: Option to embed 3GP in QuickTime Controller.
= =
* BUGFIX: gmt variable not being set correctly
* BUGFIX: Changed the name of the Check Mail button to fix an issue with mod_security
* BUGFIX: Fixed issue with Cronless-Postie
* BUGFIX: There was an argument passed by reference incorrectly
* FEATURE: Added in Cronless Postie Readme
* FEATURE: Added in Postie Readme
= =
* BUGFIX: Confirmed POP3-SSL on debian-3.0
* BUGFIX: Updated the plugin version
* BUGFIX: Stopped displaying the email account
= 0.9.5 =
* BUGFIX: Postie handles cases where you do not have GD
* FEATURE: You can now set the access level for posting - so other people can use the gate way
* BUGFIX: Fixed issue when admininstrator email is not tied to a user account.
* FEATURE: Can now reset all Postie configurations back to defaults
* BUGFIX: HTML Emails with embedded images are now handled properly.
* BUGFIX: The time difference should work correctly now
* BUGFIX: Postie's configs are completely seperate from Writing-By-Mail
* FEATURE: Warning if you use Gmail to make sure you turn on POP support
* BUGFIX: Manual Check Mail Button in interface
* BUGFIX: fixed issue of compatability with cjd-notepad
* BUGFIX: Windows Works Now
= 0.9.4 =
* BUGFIX: Cronless Postie - fixed the include statement
* BUGFIX: Authorized Addresses now supports a single address
* FEATURE: All configuration in Postie done in a single screen
* FEATURE: AUTHORIZATION can be completely overridden
* BUGFIX: line 1159 - didn't handle cases where the table didn't exist already very well
* FEATURE: Detects if you can do IMAP
* FEATURE: Added IMAP Support
* FEATURE: Added IMAP-SSL Support
* FEATURE: Added POP3-SSL Support
= 0.9.3 =
* Bug fixes for IIS
= 0.9.2 =
* Moved to more of a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR structure
= 0.9.1 =
* Added a define to fix a problem with over including
= 0.9 =
* Converted to an honest to god plugin
* BUGFIX: If you put a single category:subject it now works
* BUGFIX: ? Special characters may be supported? The test post now shows a lot of umlats and accents?
* BUGFIX: The last ] in a subject with categories is now filtered out
* FEATURE: -1- subject - will put the post in category 1
= 0.312.13 =
* Code clean up - The main loop is finally readable by even non programmers
* FEATURE - You can now post to multiple categories at one time by using the [#],[Category Name], [Cat] in the subject
* FEATURE - You can now select a category by just including the begining characters [G] will select General
* if you don't have any other categories that start with g
* FEATURE - Jay Talbot - added a new feature so you can have multiple email addresses be allowed in
* Make multi category posting more obvious
* BUG FIX: Timezones of GMT+? should now work properly
* BUG FIX: Able to handle mis-mime typed images as long as they are named with .jpg/.gif/.png
= 0.312.12 =
* Code clean up - slowing shrinking the main to make it easier to fix things
* FEATURE: Be able to turn on/off allowing comments in an email
* BUG FIX: AppleDouble now mostly supported
* BUG FIX: MIME handling improved.
* BUG FIX: Fix issue with timing delay
= 0.312.11 =
* FEATURE: Patterns to define where a sig starts are user configurable
* FEATURE: Add filter options for banned file names
* BUG FIX: Made it possible to turn off posting to the db for testing purposes
= 0.312.10 =
* FEATURE: Added in code to diplay the mime type of the file being linked to
* BUG FIX: It now tests for the existance of the directories and makes sure
* that the web server can write to them
= 0.312.9 =
* FEATURE:Should handle jpg as well as jpeg as the file type
* BUG FIX: Now correctly handles the subject in the message
* BUG FIX: Should handle Text preferences correctly
= 0.312.8 =
* Some general code tidying.
* FEATURE: Can now have email from invalid email addresses automatically forwarded
* to the admin's email account. This forward includes all attachments.
* Props to David Luden for getting this started.
* Minor change: The system will continue if it runs into a message that doesn't have
* any content - it will also continue to process if it gets an email from
* someone not in the system. In the past this could result in deleted mail
* if your cron job didn't run often enough.
= 0.312.7 =
* Confirm the handling of 3gp video for cell phones o
* Added in new directive SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES -if the mime type is listed here then the system will try to make a link to it without making a thumb nail.
= 0.312.6 =
* Bug Fix: Ok the last bug I fixed - actually caused another bug - man I should set up some unit tests. Now it handles mail from the nokia mail client correctly.
= 0.312.5 =
* Bug Fix : The system was accepting all text/* types. Now you can set a preference (defaults to text/plain)
* to use as the main text for the post.
= 0.312.4 =
* Added in sanitize_title call suggested by Jemima
* Added in ability to provide a subject in an mms - by using #Subject#
* Fixed an issue with the time stamp system so it now automatically uses the gmt_offset from WordPress
* Fixed issue with the delay:1d1h tag that prevented it from being removed from the body.
* Fixed issue with the delay tag that caused problems if it was the last thing before an image.
= 0.312.3-HEY (2005-05) =
* > Some changes and Bugfixes by Adrian Heydecker
* > Not (yet) in main development branch.
* Fixed bug: JPEG-thumbnails had a bigger filesize than full images caused by bad hardcoded compression value.
* Fixed bug: If images and signatures were present but no placeholder tags, the images were deleted together with the signature.
* Fixed bug: Generates valid postnames for users of mod_rewrite. Permalinks to posts should now work even when whitespaces are present in the subject line.
* Added support for Quoted Printable encoded mail.
* Added ability to encode Wordpress-posts in charset ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8.
* Added ability to choose JPEG-compression value for thumbnails.
* Added ability to add class="" and style="" to images.
* Added ability to use a different mailadress (eg. mobile) without setting up a new Wordpress-account.
= 0.312.2 =
* BUGFIX: It now removes the delay tag from the message
= 0.312.1 =
* Added modification for placeholder support for images (David Luden)
* Added in support to automatically scale down big images (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Fixed bug with multiple emails all getting the contents of the first image tag (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Added option to allow HTML in the body and subject of the email (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Switch config options to defines to reduce the number of global variables (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Added tests to make sure there is a trailing slash on the DIR definitions (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Add tests to see if they have gd installed (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Separate the scaling out to a function for easier usage (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Add delay feature for future posting. (Dirk Elmendorf)
* Added in ability to use strtotime if it is available (Dirk ELmendorf)
= 0.312 - 2005-03 =
* CHANGE FOR DEFAULT E-mail Categories, instead of [General] Subject you can now use General: Subject in the subject line. Less typing, and there must be a space after the colon.
* Fixed bugs with no default posting for categories and user
= 0.311 - 2005-01 =
* eep, major bug for pop3 server. Next time I test my code more before I released, fixed so that pop3 now works.`
= 0.31 - 2004-12 & 2005-01 =
* (Has it been this long, best get back into the swing of things... did most of this coding on my holiday as I didn't have a machine to play WoW on :)
* moved the deletion of pop3 emails into a check so that e-mails aren't deleted without proper checking.
* added HTML 'decoding' (basic support for Thunderbird & Outlook)
* updated the Category search so that it matches words as well as numbers (i.e. [General] Subjectname will work instead of just [1] Subjectname)
* Changed time function from time to strtotime (as per Senior Pez's suggestion), but found out that strtotime isn't in default php distro so removed...
= 0.3 - 2004-09 =
* Added UBB decoding support
* Added default title (when there is no subject assigned)
* Started doing a little code cleanup, been reading Advanced PHP Book :)
= 0.2 - 2004-08 =
* Stopped using pear body decoding in favour of own decoding (may be slower but more modifiable) because of enriched text decoding
* Added base64_decode checking (may help mobile phone users)
* Fixed Subject line for non-english users (htmlentities instead of just trim)
* Fixed error in some pop hanging -> more graceful exit on event on no emails in inbox ($pop3->quit)
* Added work around for email addresses with exta <> in field (ie: instead of blade@lasmash.com
* Added some ===basic=== enriched text support
* Updated readme file for easier install
* Easy modify of globals (such as PHOTOSDIR and FILESDIR)
* Cleaned up some pear stuff in install
= 0.1 - 2004-06 =
* First release