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2017 Region Leadership

In November we held our annual election of Club directors and officers. Each year all officer positions and half of the at-large director positions are up for election.

The Region officers and directors for 2017 are:

Chairman of the Board Bill Neimeyer, Jr.
Region Executive Tony Brown
Assistant Region Executive E.B. Lunken
Treasurer Shari McCoy
Secretary Bryan Schafer
Directors Scott Bitzer
Jim Clark
Jeff Leowe
Bill Stevens
Tact Takagi
Brian Walker

The board thanks outgoing treasurer, Christy Graham, and outgoing directors Chase Heikkila and Nathan Roberts for their outstanding service to the Region. 

Our program leaders for the 2017 season are:

Road Race Brian Walker
Road Rally Christy Graham
Rally Cross Scott Bitzer
Autocross Crissy & Kent Weaver

We look forward to serving you, our members. Our board and membership meet monthly and we’d love to hear from you. Please attend a meeting and let us know what’s on your mind. Board and membership meetings are generally the third Tuesday of every month. Check the website for meeting time and location.

In addition, our programs hold planning meetings at various times throughout the year. If you are interested in helping with one of our programs please contact a program leader or member of the board.