September was a very busy month for Cincy SCCA and our Solo members. We had great representation at the ProSolo finale Sep 1 & 2, the National Autocross Championships Sep 4 – 7, and LSFest in Bowling Green Sep 7-9. After all these marquee events, we also held our two Great Lakes Divisional Solo Series events on Sep 15 & 16. Unfortunately I do not have access to the results for any of these events, but our Cincy soloists represented us well in Nebraska with record number of entrants (>1400) under shall we say less than ideal conditions… okay, a deluge with easily 2-3″ of standing water throughout. Only one I remember off the top of my head is congrats to Shari McCoy who led CSL after day one but was bumped to second in the end – a fantastic first Nationals!!! Sorry for all those who I have forgotten, I will make it up to everyone next month once I can collect all the stats.
Our first Great Lakes Divisional events in many years were held at Traders World on Sep 15 & 16. We had 72 entrants on Sep 15 and 140 on Sep 16 with people coming in from all over the division. I really need to thank Myke Dziengel for chairing these events for me and my solo committee for making these two events go so well since I wasn’t able to be there at all Saturday and only minimally on Sunday. I got nothing but compliments from the competitors, many of whom travel to many other regions and national level events, about how well our events are run, how much fun/challenging the courses were, how large our novice program is, how friendly/helpful our members are, and how impressed they are with all our extras such as live timing, FM radio, unique trophies, etc. Many, many kudos to the team and entrants!!!

As to the remainder of the season, we are quickly approaching the end unfortunately as it has been a great year so far! We have our final two points events, PE#7 on Oct 7 and PE#8 on Oct 28. Year end points are awarded based on the competitor’s top five (5) events with a minimum of four (4) to qualify. Trophies are awarded based on number of competitors qualified by year end in each class using the standard formula of a trophy awarded for each 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, incremented by 4, etc qualifiers like we do at the events. (You can check your current standing on our Schedule and Results Page)
We also made changes to the huge Novice class by splitting it into two classes, one for street category cars (basically stock), and non-street class cars. Novice event points for this season are still going to be combined for year end, but this will give us the opportunity to provide better focus on the novices both during their run hears as well as their work heats. If this works as well as we believe it will, we will likely have two novice classes next year and the majority of the novices this year can help next season’s novices.
Kent Weaver