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Solo Report

First off, I know it’s Sep 29th, we only have one points event left, our season started way back in April, and we’ve all put in a lot of work to get ourselves to this late in the season, but I am not ready for it to end and by no means am I ready for summer to end!!! I’m greedy, Fall means Winter is on its way, which also primarily means colder temperatures (yuck!!!) and no local races (pout.)

I’m sitting here typing this at the Miami Valley Sports Car Club (MVSCC) inaugural event at the Museum of the USAF. What a great place even though the lot is smaller than Traders World. Happy and proud to say Cincy had a very good showing at this event with roughly 16-20 of our regulars making the trek north for this event out of the 74 entrants. For by far the majority of us, to get better the best thing to work on is the driver which means the more seat time the better. Running with different clubs and at different venues really helps the learning curve. I highly encourage traveling to other club’s events, there’s easily 12-15 clubs hosting autocrosses within a three hour drive.

Along the line of running other events, we had sixteen (16) Cincy Region members make the trip to Lincoln, NE for the 2019 Solo National Championships on Sep 3-6 with seven (7) bringing home trophies! I personally drove like a turd only having one clean run over the two days (imagine that) in Tom Sholar’s AS Corvette, but still had a blast. Highly, highly recommend you take the opportunity to run a Championship Tour or ProSolo and run the National Championships! Congratulations to all who made it there and especially those who went and those who brought home trophies (T):
Shari McCoy – 2T CSL
Jo Dziengel – 3T DSL
Tom O’Gorman – 1T FP
Chris Rudy – 9T GS
Jack Burns – 16T GS
David O’Maley – 1T AM
Jenny O’Maley – 2T AM
Tim Sholar – AS, Kent Weaver AS, Jim Zeisler – CS, Myke Dziengel -DS, Dave Montgomery – FP, Anthony Bodnarik – ES, Dave Rudy – GS, Krzysztof Zielinski – FS, and Michael Jeffries – STR

Special Notes: This is Shari’s second 2nd place finish in her first two years!This was Jo’s first Nationals! Tom jumped into a BSP S2000 when the Dave Montgomery Porsche broke on day 1 and cane from behind to win FP. Chris Rudy placed 9th out of 59 in his first Nationals. David O’Maley won AM and set event Fastest Time of Day (FTD).

On to our Cincy Region events. We hosted our two (2) back-to-back Great Lakes Division Solo Series events last weekend Sep 21 and 22 with the Sun, Sep 22, event also serving as Cincy Points Event #7. Happy to report we had 97 entrants Sat and 164 on Sun. I was there in the morning but had to leave before completion started and unfortunately wasn’t able to return. As a result I didn’t get to see the outstanding job our solo team did with this event getting everyone seven (7) runs and still finishing by 2:18 with 672 runs completed. Wow! Nothing but kudos for my team, can’t tell you how many people thanked me fur how well the event went Sat (and Sun).

On Sat, Danny Popp had both the FTD raw time (over Neva Hoover in KML) and PAX, but of note on PAX we had both Myke Dziengel and Jo Dziengel just a snitch behind Danny by 0.001 and 0.187 secs respectively. Heck, 4th (Tavis Spencer) and 5th (Robert Clark) we’re only 0.239 and 0.294 secs off the lead respectively.
On Sun, Myke Dziengel took the top PAX time by 0.374 and 0.476 secs over Robert Clark and Chris Rudy. On raw times, Neva Hoover wet the mark over Danny Popp, Jamie Elliott, and Stuart Phipps.

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Loewe Photography

Please see the website for year-end points (4 to qualify, best 5 count) and to register for our last two events. (Next event and last points event is Oct 20 with a fun event Nov 3.)

Kent Weaver

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