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RoadRally Report

The final rally of the year brought out 8 teams on a beautiful fall day. First timers Angie Taylor and Duncan Latta brought home first place honors. Many Warren County cemeteries were visited, and the Little Miami River was crisscrossed multiple times. Complete results, as well as the final points standings, are available on the website.

Beginning with the 2020 season. A foolproof drive (with mileages of turns and without questions) will be available for those wanting to enjoy the scenic routes we set up without the competitive aspect. We expect to offer 6 rallies in 2020, but scheduling is still in process. Check back after the first of the year for the dates to block out on your calendar!

We are always happy to hear any ideas you have for a fun drive. Contact me to volunteer or if you have questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair or