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RoadRally Report

So, what exactly is a Road Rally?

It’s a competition on public roads… sure. But it’s a chance to enjoy the awesome roads the Tri-State has to offer. A chance to mingle at breakfast before setting out and mingle again (and argue about the questions) at the after party. It’s a chance to make new friends. It’s a chance to find your story… to find something you didn’t know was out there, to maybe go off course and have an adventure that you can look back on and laugh about. Just want to drive the roads we find with no competitive component. We’ve got you covered too. Please join us.

Mark these tentative dates on your calendar: April 25, May 30, July 11, August 29, October 3 & November 7. Rally Masters can choose from these dates (or suggest a new date). New Rally Masters are encouraged to join in and bring new roads and ideas to our group. Ample help is available to assist with set-up, so don’t be intimidated.

Visit the website for more information on Road Rally. Registration pages will be available at soon. Contact me with questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair or