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RoadRally Report

We had a glorious day to take a “Drive in the Appalachian Foothills” last Saturday. Ten teams participated, including 2 first timers and 3 other novice teams. Everyone finished. Everyone had fun. Everyone did very well. No teams missed more than 3 questions. We visited 4 covered bridges and teams found up to ten “Barn Quilts” along the twisty hilly country roads. Complete results can be found on the website at Rally Master, Jim Wiles, found some great roads and threw in some quirky twists in the questions that had everyone running all over the streets of Russellville at the same time looking for answers. What a trickster!
Come join us for the next road rally, currently planned to be on Saturday, October 10, starting and ending in New Richmond, Ohio. Registration for the event will be open soon, and meanwhile you can sign up on MotorSportReg to make sure you get an email when registration is open. If you have already run with us, you are already on the email list!
Visit the website for more information on Road Rally. Registration pages are available at Contact me with questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair (outgoing) or