Welcome to August!
Last weekend we had a joint event with Western Ohio Region (WOR) at Traders World on July 25 & 26. Everyone needs to thank WOR for helping us resolve a conflict with our originally scheduled date a week earlier which became the date for the Peru Championship Tour at Grissom Aeroplex. Out of the graciousness of their heart they agreed to let us move our event to what was their weekend and move their event to Saturday at Traders World! Along that line, we had 20 Cincy members attend the Peru Champ Tour to enjoy the grippy concrete with a couple first timers and many of us who regularly travel to other events. Congrats go to David O’Maley who set fastest time of day both raw and PAX!

For those who attended the joint WOR/Cincy events last weekend, you know it went very well even with the sweltering temperatures. WOR hosted a great event on Saturday with 142 entrants – by far the largest turn out on a Sat yet! Sunday, we had 154 entrants. Everyone got six runs both days on challenging and very different courses on Sat and Sun designed by Nathan Roberts and were done running by 3:30! I want to personally thank all of you for playing within the state COVID guidelines, saw plenty of masks, hand sanitizer being used, and social distancing. Thank you

Our next events are a Novice 101 School on Aug 15 and Points Event 6 on Aug 16. The Novice school is intended for novices (no matter what class you run) and will provide instruction on work assignments, tech inspection, what to do to be ready for an event, driver position, walking the course, and of course driving skills. Primary instruction will be with instructors outside the vehicles to comply with COVID guidelines. We will have an entry cap of 50 students for the school, please sign up early!
Going back to the large Cincy group traveling to events outside Cincy, the CAM Challenge is back at Peru next weekend, Aug 7-9. You do NOT have to have a CAM car to compete, they have a “worker” class where you can run both days (9 runs over the two) for $40 but you will need to stay and work the CAM Challenges on Sunday afternoon.
Kent Weaver
Cincy SCCA Solo Chair