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RoadRally Report

Today ended the 2020 rally season. It was a simply gorgeous day for a drive thru Southern Ohio/Northern Kentucky. We were able to even have a bit more socializing than we have had at other events this year, with masks and distancing of course. 13 cars started and 12 finished. We lost one team due to motion sickness, but all had a good time. We counted yard signs as votes for the presidential election, and it looks like Trump squeaked by Biden in our small part of the country. No opinion rendered here and hardly scientific, but it was just for fun. Overall winner was a newcomer to our group and was just going to drive the route sans navigator, or so I thought. Since I did that myself, I was OK with that. However, he managed to even answer most of the questions correctly and finished 1 point ahead of 2nd with just 3 ½ points. Full results will be posted to the website in the near future.
I want to take this time to thank all the Rally Masters who gave their time to set up routes this year, which allowed us to have a shortened and somewhat altered, but very enjoyable season. In order of appearance – Lee Grimes, Jim Knepper, Jim Walls, and today’s co Masters EB Lunken and David Vornholt. It takes considerable time to lay out a rally and run it multiple times. Personally, I enjoy doing just that maybe even more than being a competitor. If you want to join the ranks as a Rally Master, the door is open to you. Just let us know and we will give you any help you need. I am sure there are roads you know just waiting for us.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair (outgoing) or