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Area 4 Director Update for February, 2021

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January was a busy month. As I mentioned in last month’s update, in addition to the BoD meetings, I also sit in on the Club Racing Board (CRB) and Rally Cross Board (RXB) meetings. There were BoD meetings on 1/11 and 1/25 as well as a CRB meeting on 1/5 and RXB meetings on 1/12 and 1/19. I also sat in on a couple of regional meetings doing an “Ask the Director” session with them. Throw in the SCCA Convention sessions that I attended (five on 1/23 and several more during the rest of the convention) and there was a lot of time spent on video conference sessions.

The BoD meetings were fairly mundane in that we dealt with a lot of boring, procedural stuff. We go over financial reports and other miscellaneous items. For example, we’re getting a new board management platform in the next few months. This is a web based, software package that will help us vote, manage meetings, post agendas, etc. Really interesting stuff, huh? We’re also trying to coordinate a face to face meeting at some point once the pandemic gets quenched a bit. As you can imagine, we’re all pretty busy during the competition season and finding a suitable date has been pretty tough. Yes, there are some super-secret, hush-hush details that I cannot mention here but I will tell you that most of that isn’t nearly as interesting as you might imagine.

The CRB meeting was pretty long (3.25 hours) and they discussed a whole myriad of rules and policy changes. The RXB folks discussed policies for expanding RallyX’s footprint. For details check out the latest FasTrack bulletins here. I must say that I really enjoy attending these sessions as it reiterates how much passion there is for our sport across all the disciplines SCCA covers.

I’ve been working on a few other things too:

  1. I’ve started talking with more regions about sitting in on their regional meetings. I have a couple of them already scheduled and am willing to do some more.
  2. I’ve been working with the various divisional stewards about our event schedules. I am REALLY interested in going to a bunch of events this summer. I’ve penciled in a visit to GingerMan to watch/work the Time Trials National Tour in July (7/16-7/18). I also hope to go to at least one of the Pro Solo events. I’ve attended and participated in a few Solos over the years, but they’ve always been of the regional variety. Seeing a Pro Solo will be eye opening I’m sure. I also want to make sure I get to a Road Rally event this summer.
  3. I’ve been working with our webmaster on a complete reworking of our divisional website. It’ll look fantastic once it’s done.
  4. I’ve been working with Val McCammon, Velma Boreen and Tony Brown on the GLDiv Spring Training meeting. If you haven’t done so already, please respond to Val’s emails for guidance on what the divisional membership would like to get out of this virtual meeting.

That about sums up January of the BoD for me. 24 hours in front of my PC screen on video conferences and a bunch more wrestling with “all things Area 4”. I’m slowly getting into the waters (more than “dipping my toes”, less than “up to my neck”). I’m sure the pace will increase as the club maneuvers around Covid-19 in the next few months.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dayle Frame