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RoadRally Report

We set two new record in the May road rally. Our winner in the experienced class had a perfect score on both the questions and the mileage factor. We had a three way tie for first place in the novice class, considering the questions, the mileage and even the tie breakers. Fun was had by all. Kentucky has really great rally roads. Visit the website for complete results.

Registration is open for the third road rally of the season, Saturday mid-morning June 12. The rest of the (tentative) dates are August 14, September 11, and October 30. This is an easy, fun rally of 100 miles, and as many questions, to keep you and your navigator awake searching for the clues to the answers. We will start at Dunkin’ at Rt. 4 and Boymel in Fairfield and travel thru northern Hamilton County from Fairfield to Mt Healthy to New Baltimore, along city streets and county roads. There will also be a set of EZ Instructions, for those who would rather just enjoy the drive. First car out will be at 10:30. You don’t have to be a member to participate in this kid friendly event. Registration is strongly encouraged at

Gordon Benson
Christy Graham or