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Area 4 Director Update for July, 2021

Much like any other GLDiv member, as we march towards summer, we all get busier.  June was no exception for me.  There were quite a few virtual, video meetings (for the administrative side) and a pair of race events to go to (for the fun side).

Video Conference Meetings:

  • EVAC Charter (5/27):  With so much at stake, the EVAC is “moving” from a sub-committee under the Club Racing Board to a group that reports directly to the BoD.  The moving of the EVAC within the SCCA hierarchy means that the EVAC Committee would need a formalized charter for the committee.  
  • CRB (6/1):  There weren’t any earth-shattering rules changes discussed as this was a fairly routine meeting.  In fact, we were finished early enough to start preparing for the “in person” meeting in Kansas City on 7/30.
  • EVAC E-Spec rules (6/2):  A few of us met to walk through a rule set based on the BSpec class.  Jeff Luckritz and Paul Messier had prepared the document and we drew up some changes paragraph by paragraph.  We would present this to the full committee at the 6/9 meeting.
  • EVAC (6/9):  A few days earlier, I had been told that the committee would be moved within the SCCA organization chart.  We walked through our production-based, car rule set.  There’s still some work to do but we have the basics for a class (or two) for EVs.
  • BoD Board Effects (6/21):  The BoD is moving from one management platform to another, so this meeting was a training session for new software system which manages our votes, agenda, documents, etc.  Kinda boring but a necessary evil so we can do our jobs properly and efficiently.
  • RXB (6/22):  I did not sit in on this meeting as my sinuses went haywire that day and the last thing the RXB needed was a meeting interrupted by a “gesundheit” every 20 seconds.
  • BoD (6/28):  Wowzer…..the shortest BoD meeting during my tenure……47 minutes!  Once again, Jeff Dahnert has done a great job managing our funds.  We had another good month and are well above our projected budget.  We worked on increasing our effectiveness by having a third party review the BoD’s policies and procedures.  We’ll do this over the winter months.  On a down note, we’ve had so many “members behaving badly” incidents lately that we have had to start a program to codify rules to oversee management of the incidents.  We need to protect whistle blowers and victims of bad behavior.  I’m sure I’ll have more on this as the plan gets implemented.  We also worked on an agenda for our “face to face” BoD meeting at the end of July (7/31) in Kansas City.  All of us are really looking forward to seeing each other in person.  Like a lot of you, we’re all sick of video conference calls.

SCCA Events:

  • Road America (6/4 to 6/6):  This was the Chicago Region hosting the June Sprints.  I decided to go to this race at the last minute.  Technically, I was a crew member for a friend, but he had other crew and I would be able spend some time “working” as Director.  In addition to utilizing the weekend to see old friends, I needed to chat with the technical folks from Topeka (Rick Harris, Scott Schmidt) and I would use the trip to meet Peter Jankovskis (Area 5 Director and BoD Chair).  While we’d sat in on a dozen video meetings during my tenure, I had not actually met him in person.  As luck would have it, Mike Cobb (SCCA President) was at Peter’s paddock and the three of us had a nice, long chat (I hadn’t met him either…..two birds, one stone situation).  The good news was my driver won the Saturday race and had a very good weekend.
  • WMR @ Grattan (6/19, 6/20):  This weekend I took off my Director’s hat and put on my F&C worker hat to support the WMR “Original Unrestricted” Double Regional at Grattan Raceway.  There were 80-ish cars in attendance.  This was the first SCCA race since the Waterford Hills Drivers School, so the field was populated with quite a few rookies.  Some damp weather on Saturday made for some interesting track conditions for them to deal with.  Grattan dries quickly, so the surface was changing by the minute.  Sunday was a bit warmer with no rain.  It felt really good to get back to “normal” and work an event.

As I’ve mentioned before, July will be very busy for me.  Personal and SCCA trips will eat up every weekend this month culminating in my first face to face CRB and BoD meetings in Kansas City on 7/29-8/1.  I’m really looking forward to that.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv.  I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame