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What an incredible summer of events we have had so far this year with Solo, Rally and our annual Race & Track Event weekend at Mid-Ohio! Support with entries for all of our opportunities to have fun with cars in our region has been fantastic! A big shout out to our members that chair and organize these activities and their committees that make the events rock. Have you been enjoying these activities and thought “what makes these events tick?” or “can I get involved in making these events better?” and the resounding answer is “YES!”  you can get involved and we are always actively looking for people to learn the “tricks of the trade”! Cincinnati Region has a long history of putting on great events and to continue our mission for the best quality events in the SCCA, WE NEED YOU! Please feel free to talk to one of our event chairs, committee members or myself anytime to set up a time to talk in more depth about our activities and how you can participate on another level!
September also takes the competition to the top of the national level with the Solo Nationals out in Lincoln, Nebraska (9/-10) and the National Championship Runoffs this year at Indianapolis Motor Speedway (9/25-10/3). We have many Cincinnati members that have qualified and will be heading out to these events later this month! SAFE TRAVELS and GOOD LUCK to everyone going. If you can’t be there in person to watch, the next best thing is to watch online! Make sure to check out SCCA.COM for schedule updates and to view the events online.
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend and we’ll see you soon!
Tony Brown
Cincinnati Region SCCA, R.E.