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Area 4 Director Update for November, 2021

I apologize for not getting an October edition of this out to you, but I was REALLY busy at the Runoffs (see more details below). I was a reserve pace/safety car driver, I crewed for a few drivers (we had six in our compound), I had some BoD meetings, I gave away some trophies in Winner’s Circle and I actually got to watch a few sessions and races along the way. Our group also hosted the Prod/GTL party and raised almost $2000 for the Worker Corps. If nothing else, the Runoffs is the one place where you can see your racing friends each year. The folks that, due to distance, you only see once a season.

First off the bat, I have a couple of quick announcements:

  1. GLDiv Spring meeting will be on Saturday March 3 rd with a casual gathering the night before. Details will be announced as they are finalized on the GLDiv website.
  2. Mike Cobb will have his next Presidential address on 11/3 at 8p. More details can be found here.

Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (9/7): The last meeting before the Runoffs was uneventful as no rules changes can occur. Most of them would be at the event so they could observe the fruits of their labor. The results can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (9/8): Our first document (SCREV) was sent up the food chain for review. We viewed this as a major step forward and were proud to be able to develop something of this caliber so quickly. We continued with rules review and policies concerning interaction with tracks, regions, etc.
  • GLDiv BoD meeting (10/7): I was more than happy to sit in on the GLDiv BoD meeting so we could focus on budget, rules, schedules, website, etc. We also worked on the Spring Training meeting. It’ll be scheduled for 3/5 and details will be announced on the GLDiv website
  • EVAC (10/13): We continued work on other rules sets and had several wide-ranging discussions on several topics (car prep costs, battery safety, etc.).
  • CRB (10/19): Due to the Runoffs, we slid back our regularly scheduled meeting from 10/5 to 10/19. As most of the advisory committees had not met since the Runoffs, the agenda was fairly thin but was completed. In addition, a broad discussion about policies and procedures in post session and post-race impound were examined.
  • BoD (10/25): We had more good news about the financial position. Once again, we are ahead of the curve. Our Track Night in America, Time Trails and Solo events are hosting record entries. Unfilled positions are also helping keep costs down. As for me, I gave an EVAC update and reported on my visit to the Rally Cross national Championships. We also decided to cancel our November meeting (11/22) as we would be meeting in person a few days later (12/4).
  • Rally Cross Board (RXB) (10/26): As this group just held their Championship event, they did some “post mortem” on the event and started looking forward to next season (events, rules changes, etc.).

SCCA Events:

  • WMR Solo @ Grattan Raceway (9/6): I competed in this event in my new 2020 Chevy Bolt EV. I decided to stay in the H Street class and not classify myself in the EVX class so I’d have some competition. Other than one run, I got faster with each run and had a great time. I finished 8 th of 13 so I didn’t feel too bad about that. The video is on my YouTube channel page.
  • SCCA National Championship Runoffs (9/24-10/4): Boy was this a busy week. As Director, I had a few responsibilities during the event. I had volunteered to give away trophies in Winner’s Circle ceremonies for three races (HP, BSpec, EP), I had a few meetings (both scheduled ahead of time and some that were impromptu) and I was a reserve driver for the Pace/Safety car team.

As a “non Director”, I had some stuff on my plate too. My group of friends have always thought that the mantra “there’s safety in numbers” was true at the Runoffs, so we’ve generally set up compounds with several drivers. We’ve been doing this for years. This year we had six drivers all paddocked together. We shared meal prep, living quarters (Air B&B), infrastructure (power, compressors, welders, etc.) and generally worked together to help each other out. We had cars in HP (5), BSpec (1) and GT3 (1). In general, it was a pretty good week but a couple of DNFs and a visit to the hospital cast a bit of a cloud over the event.

  • SCCA Rally Cross National Championships (10/15-10/17): I went to this event purely as an observer. I was not an official in any way. I wanted to see how they made their sausage, as it were. It was a blast and I had a great time. This event reinforced that notion that I need to try this type of competition to understand it better. Now if I can only find someone who will let me co-drive their car……
  • WMR Solo @ Grattan Raceway (10/24): I had usually entered my Bolt EV in Solo events in the H Street class. But I decided to help the EV national numbers by entering in the EVX class this time. Would have finished 7 th of nine in HS.

November has me, once again, driving to Kansas City, MO for another BoD meeting (11/30-12/6). I’ll use the trip to visit some family who lives nearby in Lawrence, KS.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame