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Area 4 Director Update for April 2022

As it warms up across the country, Club Racing gets to start it season. My rubber is about to hit the road, literally, as I head to North Carolina and attend the Hoosier Super Tour (HST) race at Virginia International Raceway (VIR). I’ll fold in a visit to my brother’s place in Durham too. After that I will also visit Pittsburgh International Race Complex (PIRC) for an HST race there towards the end of the month (4/29-5/1).

As I mentioned previously, there is a new path to getting your annual waiver. You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP). Follow this link to get the instructions. There is also a story about the program here. I’ve done it and it only takes a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.

The various national schedules for 2022 are starting to coalesce and they can be found here:

Pro Solo/National Tour, Time Trials National Tour, Hoosier Super Tour, Enduro.

Video Conference Meetings:

  • Board of Directors (BoD) (2/28): Ken Blackburn (Chairman of the Stewards) gave a report on the status of the Club Racing program. In general, the program is doing well. But to make sure its long term viability is ensured, more strategic planning needs to be done. Mark Scroggs (Solo Events Board Chair) also joined us to give a status report. Solo is also doing well as it adapts to new safety guidelines, classes and cars. We got an update on the lawsuit filed by Rick Haynes against the Club. It has been moved to Federal Court.
  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (3/1): Some housekeeping was done to make sure the GCR is accurate after an off season of rules changes. Some subtle changes were made on restarts at the Runoffs. The results can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (3/9): The committee released its first Club Racing rules package to the CRB. This package pertains to Prototype race cars. We are also nearly finished with a package for Production cars.
  • BoD (3/28): I updated the Board on EVAC (see above). We reviewed a plan to alter the Solo management team and process. Details will be forthcoming. We also received an update on the Rick Haynes v SCCA lawsuit.Again, details to follow.

SCCA Events:

  • GLDiv Spring Training meeting: I attended this event in Fort Wayne on 3/4, 3/5. Val McCammon organized the event and, once again, she did a fantastic job. It was hosted at Manchester University on the north side of Fort Wayne. It’s a nice, new facility that is perfect for a meeting like ours. It’s always nice to see folks working together to further the Club. As for me, in addition to hosting a session of “Ask the Director” and a session on the EVAC, I sat in on several sessions (Road Racing forum, GLDiv BoD meeting, DA & Exec Steward meeting). I also had a side session with the Cincy Region folks on their event at MidOhio.
  • I have updated my calendar on the GLDiv website with events I’d like to go to this season. Click here to see where I’ll be this summer.

Be sure and visit the GLDiv website for information about all of the SCCA programs within the division. We have schedules, official’s contact info, standings, etc. for all the SCCA programs.

Please take a few minutes and make sure your contact information is accurate in the SCCA database. Log in to your page and check. It’s important to have the correct information there so the club knows how to contact you.

Just a quick reminder, if any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit. I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame