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Area 4 Director Update for March, 2022

The racing season has already started in the warmer climes of our country….but, of course, not here.  With all due apologies to our RoadRally and RallyX friends who run around in the snow, its still way too damn cold to play with race cars (at least for me).  ☺

I hope everyone has registered for the divisional Spring meeting.  If so, I’ll see you there.  If you haven’t, please consider joining us in Fort Wayne on Saturday March 5th with a casual gathering the night before. You can register by following this link.  I look forward to seeing you there.

Last month I mentioned that there is a new path to getting your annual waiver.  You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP).  Follow this link to get the instructions.  There is also a story about the program here.  I’ve done it and it takes only a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.

The various national schedules for 2022 are starting to coalesce and they can be found here:  

Pro Solo/National Tour, Time Trials National Tour, Hoosier Super Tour, Enduro.

Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (2/1):  The CRB is dealing with a lot of “balance of performance” (BoP) requests from the BSpec community.  We spent a lot of time wresting with how to equilibrate the class.  The results can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (2/9):  Our SCCA National Convention presentation went very well.  We thought that for a weekday afternoon time slot, we had pretty good attendance.  There were over 100 who attended “live” and twice that have watched the recording of the presentation since then.  If you’re interested, its available to viewing on YouTube at this link.  Our regular meeting continued working on various rules packages and laying out the steps for implementation.
  • EVAC (2/15):  We had an additional meeting to work on additional language for our EV wiring protocol.  This was a couple of hours of VERY esoteric stuff.  Mind numbingly boring…..but necessary.
  • EVAC (2/24):  A couple of us from the EVAC had a side meeting with Peter Jankovskis (BoD Chair) and Steve Strickland (BoD Vice Chair) to iron out some feedback they had gotten from some of the program boards.  Most were simple misunderstandings of the intent and once we discussed it, all apprehensions were erased.
  • BoD (2/28):  As it’s so close to the end of the month, I’ll report on this meeting in my next update.

SCCA Events:

  • As the competition season is over for most of our specialties, I did not attend any SCCA events this past month.  I have updated my calendar on the GLDiv website with events I’d like to go to this season.  Click here to see where I’ll be this summer.  All that is about to change as I head to Fort Wayne for the divisional meeting on 3/4, 3/5.  After that, I’ll be off to VIR for a Major race there in early April (and a visit to my brother who lives close by the track).

Just a quick reminder, if any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit.  I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame