Can’t believe the season is almost here! In some ways it seems like forever, in other ways it seems like we just barely wrapped up last year and we are scrambling to get the car ready… Yesterday, Mar 30th, the weather was warm, heck fantastic albeit a bit windy, and I couldn’t wait to go play. Today and tomorrow are going to be cold again and it makes me glad I’m inside. Okay, enough about that, let’s get to the important stuff:
Off-Season Solo Preparation
We had a solo meeting and trailer repair/clean out party. Hope our planned improvements for 2022 work out as well as we think they will. Event registrations are all listed on MotorsportReg; however, registration won’t open for each event until six (6) weeks prior to the event.
2021 Solo Championship Trophies
For those of you who couldn’t make it to the 2021 year-end banquet and award presentation in February, or for those with corrections, we will have your trophies at the trailer at the first event in about a week from now. Please do not ask the registration workers for them, we will handle that separately.
Upcoming Events (the thing you are probably most interested in):
- Thankfully we will be returning to Traders World in 2022, been a great partnership which is only going to get better.
- All our region managed events are available here:
Apr 09 Test and Tune
- The Test and Tune has already had 25 entries on waitlist for a while, we are no longer accepting additional waitlist entries. Waitlist entrant will be notified upon acceptance when registration closes Thursday, Apr 7 @ , 9:59 PM. No walkups will be accepted.
Apr 10 Spring Fun Event
- The event still has room under the cap, register now before it fills up, we currently have 141 entries with the cap at 175.
Apr 23 Miami Motorsports Club (MMC) Event
- The event still has 20 spots left. Plan is to run it as a Fun event format in the morning and a Test & Tune format in the afternoon. Please sign up before sells out.
Apr 24 Points Event 1
- Sunday’s Points Event still has plenty of room, but register now.
Apr 30 / May 1 Evolution Performance Driving Schools
- Excited to be bringing back the Evolution Performance Driving School Phase 1 school on Apr 30th and a Phase 2 school on May 1st. These are a great tool for improving or honing your driving skills, even if you have been running autocrosses for way too many years like me (37 years…) I took the Phase 2 last year and have taken the Phase 1 school three other occasions, I highly recommend them.
Phase 1 School
Phase 2 School
May 14 Spring Autox 101
- Registration for the novice driver school will have a very limited entry cap as in the past so we can provide best balue for the entrants. Registration will open today, March 31st. Looking for experienced drivers who would like to help with driving instruction or other event skills like course working.
May 15 Points Event 2
- Registration opens March 31st. Please note the registration for May 14-15 weekend will be processed manually, so everyone will be put on “hold” status at first.
Jun 18 TireRack SCCA Starting Line
- Registration doesn’t appear to be open yet for some reason (my understanding is it was supposed to be), but look here soon or at MotorsportReg. This is another great school and opportunity with many extras.
See you soon!

Kent Weaver
Cincy SCCA Solo Chair