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Solo Report, Solo Report, Solo Report

There, I said it.  It’s that time again, time for my monthly solo report.  After all, it is Jun 30 and it’s due today…  We are most definitely in the meat of the season where one seldom has a non-racing weekend (if you don’t want to)! 

June was a busy month and July doesn’t promise to be any more relaxed. June 10-12, thirty (30) Cincy members/regulars traveled to Grissom Aeroplex in Peru IN for the Peru National Tour.  During the following week TD Rack Paving came out and repaired 310 foot of asphalt including the one area which broke up at the previous event. On the next weekend, Jun 18-19, we hosted a SCCA Starting Line School on Saturday and had Points Event 3 on Sunday.  The next weekend (last weekend as I write this) was the DriveAutoX event at Traders World where again many of the Cincy members had a good showing.  This doesn’t include all the other events our crew went to either in mass or individually like the WOR/MVSCCC event June 5th, the Finger Lakes NY National Tour, Jun 17-19, the Great Lakes Div Solo Series events at Grissom Jul 18 & 19 or at SWVR Jun 25-26, or the CKR event Jun 26th, plus many others.   

As I said earlier, July promises to be busy too with a “Popp Up” Test & Tune this Sunday, and our second regional school “Cincy AutoX 101, on Jul 9 with Points Event 4 on Sunday, Jul 10.  Then, we will have Cincy regroup in force for the Toledo Pro Solo on Jul 22-24, DriveAutoX at Grissom Aeroplex on Jul 30-31, and the Oscoda MI ProSolo Aug 6-7.Jul 3rd..  Again, there are many other choices our group will attend too like the GLSS event July 10 at Toledo, or Jul 23-24 in Fort Wayne.

Peru National Tour Recap – Jun 10-12

Had a great time playing on the concrete @ Grissom with not only a bunch of Cincy members, but friends from all over the country!  There were 235 entrants in total, 30 of which I count as Cincy Region members/regulars not including a few support people who came but didn’t run!  By my count we were tied for largest number of entrants with NWOR or at least close due to dual memberships!!!  Congrats not only to the five (5) class winners and four (4) trophy winners, but also to those of us who went and gave it our all but came up short!  <pun intended>

SS 1T Rob Clark DSL 5 Tina Coil CAMS 6 Mark Minge
SS 11 Langlee King GS 3T Christopher Rudy CAMS 7 Jamie Elliott
AS 8 Kent Weaver GS 6 Cody Mills CAMC 3 Krzysztof Zielinski
AS 9 Ben Weaver GS 10 Keith Koegler CAMT 6 Bob Armstrong
CS 6 Charles Totten STH 5 Nate Chester CAMT 8 Gene Pooler
DS 3T Jack Burns FSP 2T Scott Giles XSA 4 Brandon Sewell (1stTour!)
DS 5 Scott Bourne FSP 6 Renee Hines XSA 6 Halie Sewell (1stTour!)
DS 9 Brian Yee XP 1T Dave Montgomery XSB 1T Nick Erlenbach
DSL 1T Cincy Duncan (would have been 3T DS!) DM 1T Christian Moist XSB 3Dave Rudy
DSL 2T Jo Jadeke (would have been 4T DS!) DM 2 Michael Wolf EV 3 Tom Mills – (1st Tour!)


2 Rob Clark 7 Kent Weaver
8 Dave Montgomery 10 Jack Burns
  12  Renee Hines
19 Keith Koegler
28 Michael Wolf

SCCA Starting Line School – Jun 18 –  The school had twenty (20) students attend in various skill levels from a first autocross event level to those who have been running a couple years just trying to improve.  The school provides not only phenomenal instruction, but additional great value in an annual membership and waiver, entry to a Cincy region solo, a National Tour, and a track day.  All the students had great things to say about the school/instruction and really enjoyed themselves.  Tough to beat the value!

Cincy Points Event 3 – Jun 19 – The Sunday after the school we had 179 entrants, tying it with PE 2 for the largest event so far this year, but under the record of 189 for PE 8 in 2019.  The event went very well with 6 runs completed by 4:35 even with an hour downtime to clean up the course from an oil spill.  Thanks again to everyone who pitched in during the 4th heat and did the “Salina Shuffle” scrubbing in the cat litter/oil dry and sweeping it up in the heat.  Kudos to all getting us back running so all got their runs.  The closest battle was in CAMC (9 entries) where 7 of the 9 set their fastest run on the last run with the top four within 0.242 secs having Brad Davidson taking the win in his 2019 Mustang over Nathan Johnson in his 2018 Camaro.  CAM accounted for 41 of the 179 entries and the largest class was CAMS with 22 entries where Danny Popp took the emotional win by 0.142 secs over Marshall Reinert marking an amazing step in his comeback from a year ago!  Christian Moist took FTD in his DM Birkin with a 38.453 and  Chris Rudy took the top PAX time in his Honda Civic S with a 32.911, 0.305 secs over Myke Dziengel n his Subaru STi.

Finger Lakes National Tour – Jun 17-19

This event was held at the Seneca Army Base, Romulus NY.  Rob Clark and Langlee King had outstanding representation for Cincy taking first place in both of their classes, SS and SSL, respectively.  As I understand it, Rob made it interesting only having two clean runs all weekend, one each day, and coming back from 2nd after day one for the win.  He also placed 4th overall on the index.  Langlee also made it interesting day one, only having her 3rd run clean.   Congrats Rob and Lang, way to go!

DriveAutoX at Traders World – Jun 24-26

This event is focused on CAM type cars but also has classes for non-CAM cars and is not an SCCA sanctioned event.  Competitors got 11 runs Saturday on one course, 5 runs on a different course Sunday, and then the Challenge brackets with the top 8 qualifiers in each class over the two days combined.  Great time was had by all!  Cincy Region was represented well and quite a few got into the challenges and even won!  Congrats to those who qualified for the challenges and special recognition to the Cincy Region winners: 

Tim Schoch – GT
Marshall Reinert – GTU
Brian Coney – GTV
Tavis Spencer – SCN


Upcoming July Events

Popp Up Test & Tune – July 3 – The idea and opportunity for this event came up after our last points event as a fundraiser to help reimburse the pavement repair and of course help our competitors before their upcoming big events.   Note:  This is a limited entry event

AutoX 101 – Jul 9 – This is the second (and last) novice school we are hosting in 2022.  As of today, all of the 32 spots are filled; however, there is always the chance for cancellations if you are on the waitlist.

Points Event 4 – July 10 – Just like the AutoX 101 school, we met our entry cap of 175 entrants yesterday (29 Jun).  If you haven’t registered yet and are wanting to enter, please register on the waitlist.  Many waitlisted entrants end up making it in the event, but if you don’t enter it is unlikely for you to get in.  If you are registered but know you cannot make it, please go in and cancel to prevent being charged and help others get in the event.

Toledo ProSolo – If you have never run a ProSolo, you really, really should.  It combines a Christmas Tree start like at a drag race and two mirror image courses with challenge brackets on Sunday afternoon.  Toledo is already at its entry cap, but the Oscoda ProSolo Aug 5-7 still has openings.  By my count, we have 17 Cincy members/regulars attending the Toldeo ProSolo event.

SCCA ProSolo Finale (Sep 2-4) and Solo National Championships (Sep 5-9)
– Registrations – Registration is open for Tier 1 and 2 for the National Championships already on MSR. 
– Cincy Region Paddock – I have already started collecting names for our paddock area this year, last year we had 22 entrants.  Speak up soon so we aren’t scattered about and I can reserve a big paddock space for us.

Reminder: Numbers (8” min) and Letters (4” min), 1-1/2 to 2” stroke, must be on the car at tech, must contrast the car, be on both sides, and cannot be on the windows. See for great selections of vinyl or magnetic sets.

Solo Chair
Kent Weaver