Egad, it is almost the end of the year, just doesn’t seem right! In that
spirit however; Happy Belated Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!! Just a
few thoughts to disrupt you from your Christmas shopping for your loved
ones…yes, not only your car(s) but your friends/family too. Just a few
things of note to wrap up the year.
2022 Solo Year End Trophies
Sory for the delay, working through issues with availability, but we are
close to finalizing the trophy options and will send them out to the trophy
winners via email shortly. Watch for a post on our fb page and your email.
Non-trophy winners area also able to order and pay for merchandise/trophy
items if desired.
Trophies will be presented at the Cincinnati Region SCCA Membership
Appreciation & Awards Banquet on Feb 4, 2023
2023 Schedule
We have a tentative Cincinnati and surrounding area schedule in work and
posted to the website. IT IS VERY TENTATIVE. Events in red are strictily
guestimates. National level events are also listed.
2023 Great Lakes Division and Area AutoX Schedule
Nov Fun Events
Thanks to all who came out and played one last time the weekend of nov 5-6
for our two fun events. Had a great time car-whoring (trying others cars)
and having a fun, relaxed event. Looking forward to next year already!!!