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Road Rally Report

Rally season is underway. Two events are in the books. After a couple false starts Rally 3 is now scheduled for July 8th. This will be unlike anything we have done before – at least in my memory. Your route instructions will fit onto a single page. You will guess which way to proceed at each intersection and look for a marker to see if you have chosen correctly. If you don’t find one, go back and try a different direction. Hopefully this will be fun and not land you in Kansas. I will definitely be available to reel you back in in you go too far astray. We will depart from Shooters Liberty on Winners Circle Drive off Rt 747 a short distance north of 129. Check-in starts at 9am, with a safety/instruction meeting at 9:30 and first car out at 9:45. The cost is $35 with a discount for current SCCA members. The remainder of the dates are: 8/26, 9/30, and 11/4. The August event will take place in northern Kentucky. The rest are still TBD. Registration for all the events will be available at

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Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair