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Solo Report

May 2024 Solo Report

This time my report is on time, okay maybe just barely, but nonetheless it is not late…yet.  Doesn’t seem all that long ago that the season still seemed a bit off, plenty of time to get ready seemingly.  Now here we are a month into the season already and dang if it didn’t start with a bang!

Apr 13 Spring Fun Event 1/ Apr 14 Points Event 1

The Sat Spring Fun Event 1 was well received with 93 entries total, 14 in the ST classes, 18 in the three CAM classes, and 24 in the two Novice classes (NS – 10, NM -14)!  Everyone had the opportunity for seven runs in one of the colder weekends of April with the closest competition in AS where Dan Steele in his Cayman T edged out Mark Minge in his Cayman by 0.101 secs!   

Sun Points Event 1 had 133 entries with 17 in Street Open, 19 in the three CAM classes, and 33 in the six Street Touring classes – 69 of the 133, over half of the entries!!!  We started the season running novices in the same heat as their base classes and whereas there was a bit of confusion initially we worked through that fairly well and got positive feedback on the switch.  The Ben Weaver inspired course was challenging and fun!  There were lots of close competitions throughout the day, but the closest competition ended up being in my class, Street Open where Ben Weaver led most of the event, with Chris Rudy jumping into the lead on Run 5, Bryan Schafer, Charles Totten, and me jumping past Ben on our last runs and a 0.059 sec margin of victory for Chris over me.  Ouch, but dang that was fun.  Gonna have to be on top of our games to do well this year, no slack in this class!!! 

Cincy Evolution Performance Driving Schools

The Phase One School was held Sat, Apr 27 and had hit the capacity with 24 entries and even some waitlisted.  We had people from Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia and were blessed with fantastic instructors:  Jinx Jordan, Dave Montgomery, Nathan Popp, and Danny Popp.  Everyone couldn’t say enough good things about the school, if you haven’t taken one you should no matter how many years you have been enjoying this sport.  There is one only three hours away at Grissom Aeroplex near Peru, IN! 


On Sunday, Apr 28, we offered a Challenge School for the first time since I have been the Cincy SCCA Solo Chair instead of the typical Phase 2 School based on the many who requested it last year and prior years.  Unfortunately, attendance wasn’t what we were hoping for, only 8 students, but it was a fantastic school and again everyone highly recommended it if you have a chance.   

Now on to future events: 

May 11 Spring Fun Event 2 / May 12 Points Event 2

Registration is open and still low (only 58 Sat and 71 Sun right now), sign up now before registration closes 10:00p Thur, May 9th!!!  Traders World West Parking Lot

Jun 15 SCCA Starting Line / Jun 16 Points Event 3

SCCA Starting Line School – We are having the return to Traders World International Speedway again this year.  If you haven’t done one, this is an amazing deal with a full day hands-on professional performance driving school, a Track Night in America entry, a Cincy SCCA solo event entry, and a SCCA TireRack National Event entry!  Only two have registered so far!!!


Jun 16 Points Event 3 – Registration will open soon:  Traders World West Parking Lot 

2024 Schedules:

Our Cincy SCCA solo schedule is fairly solid: 2024 Solo Schedule/Results – Cincinnati Region SCCA (

The Area Autocross Schedule with events from neighboring regions, SCCA national events, DriveAutoX, and many others.(found at the bottom of the 20244 schedule page)

Season Pass:

We are offering 2024 season passes until May 31st.  There are two options:  

  1. An eight (8) event season pass for the price of 7 events -or- 
  2. A fourteen (14) event package for the price of twelve (12)

   Season Pass (Credit) purchase for 2024 Season (

2023 Year End Trophies

If you weren’t able to attend the banquet and receive your trophy in Feb, we will have the remaining trophies available for pickup at the first event and other events after that.  If your trophy needed corrected, it should have been or will soon be mailed to you.  Please let me know if you would like to make special arrangements to get your trophy. 

I’m certain I am forgetting some stuff like last time, but at least you got this…

Kent Weaver