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Solo Report

Wow! September has been busy for the Solo community.  20 Cincy Solo members headed out to the Wild West for a Root ‘in Toot ‘in good time at Solo Nationals this year in Lincoln, NE.  Several came home with trophies, and everyone represented our region well.  Top Award goes to Rob Pendergest who won Top Pax on Tuesday/Wednesday. Congratulations to Rob and all the trophy winners!

The region hosted the Great Lakes Solo Series on September 14-15 in conjunction with points event #6. We had a great turn out for both days with a total of 87 participants on Saturday and 138 on Sunday.  The weather was perfect, and the courses were fast and fun. 

The Club has decided to change things up a little and there will now be an event lead for each event weekend.  Josh Smith volunteered to be the first member to give being an event lead a try.  He did an amazing job during the Great Lakes Solo Series weekend and the event ran smoothly.  Huge Kudos to Josh for stepping up and trying something new.  We have a few others in line to give event lead a try at upcoming events.

If anyone is interested in learning about chief positions and is interested in being on the solo committee board, please reach out and express your interest.  The team is always looking for motivated individuals to join the team!

Registration is open for Points event #7 on October 13th. –

Happy Racing!

Jo Jadeke
Cincy Solo Chair