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July Solo Report

We had Points Event 4 at Traders World on July 9th. Wow, can’t believe it’s almost been a month ago already. Traders World continues to be fantastic hosts and the weather was perfect. Even though this was the first event which didn’t hit the online entry cap of 125 prior to the event, we ended up with our largest turn-out yet in 2017 of 139 entrants and were still able to provide five runs for everyone. My son, Ben Weaver, has helped with course set up since he was a tyke and last year tried his hand at a course design in Wilmington which was well received. He had an idea for this past one which in my humble opinion also turned out to be excellent, giving a challenging mix of speed maintenance elements and some “digs”, while giving room for competitors to choose their lines. Have to thank the set up crew for some great on-site adjustments which made it even better.

Paul Curley captured FTD as the only one in the 42s with a time of 42.704 and Jim Zeisler captured the PAX FTD with an indexed time of 35.346 nudging out Michael Jeffries by 0.221 secs. Closest class margin of victory was in Street Touring Open where Crissy Weaver edged out Myke Dziengel by 0.004 secs in their STi’s with Robert Clark a mere 0.307 behind and Shari McCoy 0.230 secs behind Robert in their Miata’s.

After some in depth discussions, we are now thinking there may be an opportunity to give six (6) runs for an event this size and still finish runs by 4:00, but it will take everyone’s cooperation with the workers hustling to be early/on time to minimize our heat change overs times. It’s a goal I’d like to target for next event. Please, feel free to come to me or any of the solo committee with suggestions on improvements. Another request which we will implement is to mix up the run/work order so the same classes aren’t always the same heat from event to event.

Upcoming events:
– Aug 13 – Points Event 5 will be at Traders World, go online and register so you can get your reduced entry fee.

– Aug 19 – TireRack Street Survival will be at Millett Hall parking lot at the University of Miami in Oxford, OH. Tact Takagi and Glenn Ellerby have been working diligently with the city, the university, Cincy SCCA, and many others to bring this exceptional real-world, hands-on event to the area. Please, if you have a teen driver or have a friend or a neighbor with a teen driver, please get them the info on this event! If you want to volunteer to help, please see the website or our facebook page for further information or contact Tact.

– Sep 16 & 17 – Points Event 6, the joint event with Miami Valley Sports Car Club is still in a state of flux, was hoping to have details hammered out by now, but it should be soon. Current thought is a two day event at Traders World, with Saturday being MVSCC car classification and points and Sunday being the Cincy classes and points. That said, details aren’t finalized yet, it could be at Upper Valley Mall in Springfield or one day each location, or a multitude of other options. Please stay tuned, sorry for the delay in nailing this one down as it is always a great event.

– Oct 28 & 29 – Points Event 7 will be a joint event with Western Ohio Region (WOR) SCCA. Saturday will be WOR’s PE 7, and Sunday will be our PE 7. You will be able to run either event or both to maximize your weekend fun. This too promises to be another exceptional event.

UPDATE: The Sept 16 & 17 joint event with Miami Valley Sports Car Club (MVSCC) at Traders World is now confirmed!!! Sep 16 will be a MVSCC event and Sep 17 will be our Cincy SCCA event. Details will follow including the potential for an onsite dinner after competition on Saturday.

Kent Weaver