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Road Rally Report – December 2017

And the 2017 series champions are…….. (drum roll)

Gordon & Teresa Benson. Finishing second were Gary & Brigitte Spicer, and in third were Scott & Reghan Bitzer. 63 participants took part in at least one of the six rallies, several of whom also set up courses. A couple safety stewards also pitched in even though they weren’t able to run on any of the event days (thanks Colleen Cabe and Jerry Cabe). It takes considerable effort to put on a rally and without the contributions of many individuals, we would not have a successful program.

Thanks to our 2017 Rally Masters (in alphabetical order):
Gordon Benson (& his better half, Teresa), Lee Grimes, Jim Knepper, Dick Krehbiel, EB Lunken, and Jim Wiles. Please come do it again in 2018.

If you’d like to be a part of the planning committee next year, become qualified as a Safety Steward, or lay out a course, chime in. Many hands make light work, and new ideas are always welcome.

I’ve already seen some of the routes in the works for next year. You won’t want to miss it. Come for the roads, stay for the people.

Christy Graham