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Help Needed for Street Survival!

The Tire Rack Street Survival school is designed to equip New Young Drivers with valuable driving skills that will help keep them safe on the road.

The primary emphasis of the Tire Rack Street Survival program is a hands-on driving experience in real-world situations. We use your own car to teach you about its handling limits and how you can control them. The Tire Rack Street Survival school is a safe teen driving program, designed to go beyond today’s required driver education and give teens across the U.S. the driving tools and hands-on experience they need to become safer, smarter drivers.

This a school that saves young lives, and they would like CincySCCA Members to help as their instructors.

Date of the event – June 1, 2019
Place – Butler County Tech Center, 5140 Princeton Glendale Road, Liberty Township 45011
Time – 8am – 4pm
Number of students – 30
Age of students – 15 1/5 with a permit and 20 hours experience – 20 years old
Need – at least 15 coaches

Breakfast and lunch will be available
All Coaches must take the test on the Street Survival website if they have not already done so. We want everyone teaching the same skills.

Also, if you have a child just start driving (or you know someone), this school is great for them to attend!
For more information, please visit Street Surivial Website (

If you have any Questions – please contact Jaynee, there are no stupid questions!

Jaynee Beechuk
Tire Rack Street Survival Ambassador
Cell: (513) 607-6569