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Solo Report

Points Event 5 is in the books, 155 entrants who braved and conquered 90+ temperatures, and got 5 runs on a fun and challenging course.

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Loewe Photography

Danny Popp edged out Tom O’Gorman by 0.320 secs on raw time being the only one to break the 39 sec barrier, but Tom edged out Danny on PAX by 0.253 secs.

That said, the biggest success of the month was our Novice 101 School which Ryan Street and Nathan Roberts championed and organized. Forty-one students got the opportunity to improve their event skills and get phenomenal instruction from many of our more seasoned championship caliber drivers. Can’t say thank you enough for their vision and implementation. Will definitely be on the calendar for next year, possibly another this year.

Our next points event is Aug 18 followed by our Great Lakes Div Solo Series Events on Sep 21 and 22. Make sure you register early as we have been hitting the entry cap by Wed. If we have hit the cap please register on the waitlist as it helps registration check in go better on the day of the event.

Registration on MSR

Many of our Cincy Region drivers are headed to various national level events including the National Championships Sep 2-6 in Lincoln, NE. Wish them all luck!

See you at the next event!