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Road Rally Report

Tri-State Tango” is now in the books. We needed to postpone it due to schedule confusion, but it was well worth the wait. Eight teams competed, divided into Novice and Experienced divisions. Taking the Experienced class was the team of Gordon & Teresa Benson, with Walt & David Fischer, new graduates to the class, right on their heels. Mike & Stephanie Spatz, running their last novice class eligible rally, took first, with newcomers Jeff Fogle & Lillian Russell a close second. Complete results and Series Point standings are available on the Cincy SCCA website.

The next rally is September 28. Final details are being ironed out but just a hint at the theme – Chili. Cincinnati Chili. Natives of the Queen City, and even transplants, may be fans, but how much of the history of our inimitable 3-way do you know? Prepare to find out. Registration will open as soon as the starting location is confirmed. Watch for a Facebook post or set a reminder to check around September 12 to find more details.
For those new to the sport, Road Rallies are run on public roads at legal (sometimes brisk) speeds on a variety of roads. Route instructions can be challenging but if you are careful you will NOT get lost. Any street licensed vehicle capable of accommodating a driver and a navigator who can communicate safely (so probably not a motorcycle) from a smart car to a pickup truck are eligible and kids are welcome. Penalty points are given for incorrect answers to questions that can be answered by making observations along the route, and/or exceeding the measured mileage. Low score wins. Awards are presented for each event and points are assigned based on finishing position to determine a series champion.

We are always happy to hear any ideas you have for a fun drive. Contact me to volunteer or if you have questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair or