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Race Report

Happy New Year! Mark your calendar for August 7-9. Friday will be our annual Track Event, where you can take your car (solo, prepared, daily driver, whatever will pass tech inspection) on the beautiful Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, with a qualified coach to help you learn the track. Ample sessions will be offered – enough to wear you out and keep you grinning for days, maybe longer.

Saturday and Sunday will be dominated by SCCA Championship class races. We also expect to offer a 1-hour race, open to all safety compliant cars driven by competition licensed and NON-Comp license drivers alike.

If you wish to join us at planning and preparation meetings, let me know and I’ll get you information as to time and location. COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOTE – Our regular meeting place closed for business effective 12/30. I am actively searching for another suitable place and will certainly entertain suggestions. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14.

Christy Graham
Race Chair or