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Hello Cincinnati Region SCCA members and friends,

To say that we live in a different world than we lived in just 30 days ago is an understatement. I wanted to take a quick moment and update where we are at this moment with our group of racing enthusiasts!

As you saw on a previous email, we had to cancel our March General Membership meeting due to the initial state order with restrictions on gathering size and locations. As more announements and orders from the Governor have been made, I wanted to let you know that we have also canceled our April General Membership originally scheduled for April 21st. The Cincinnati Region BOD will have a meeting this month via conference call and I will schedule that soon.

You will find current updates on our events either on our website or facebook page and also thru our email blasts.

Also as of now we do not have an announement to make regarding the 2020 Todd Cholmondeley IT*Spectacular. As you may have seen from an earlier announcement on our website and facebook page, our origianl date at Mid-Ohio is now being used for the IndyCar Honda 200. Our race chair is working with track management and we should have a formal announcement/decision soon.

I hope that each of you are able to stay healthy and safe. To those of you that are considered essential workers and are out here providing your services to keep everything moving along, thank you! And to those that are working from home, adapting to the new “normal” and especially if your job title now includes “school teacher”, my humble respect! If myself or any of the board members can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Take care everyone, we will get thru this!

Tony Brown
Cincinnati Region, R.E.