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Hello Cincinnati Region SCCA members and friends,

Hard to believe a month can move so fast but seem so slow. But here we are moving towards better days ahead of us with the scheduled re-opening of our Ohio economy. You will see many updates in this month’s Cinchronizer from our event chairs and I can promise you that even as I write this, the situations and schedules are very fluid as we look to follow the most recent state guidelines for events.

The Cincinnati Region BOD did have our monthly meeting for April via a ZOOM online meeting. I plan for us to have our next monthly meeting on May 19th again via ZOOM due to the expected social distance requirements and maximum meeting sizes (less than 10) to still be in place at that time. But the hope is to have the next meeting available for our members to possibly view and participate as well. We will update on that as we get closer, but please if you have any questions for me or the board do not hesitate to email or call us, our contact info is on our website .
Take care everyone, see you soon!

Tony Brown
Cincinnati Region, R.E.