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Hello Cincinnati Region members and friends! I hope everyone has been able to have a safe and adventurous (as Covid will allow) summer so far. As we start to see the finish line of our 2020 event season, I would like to send a big thank you to all of you that have and been able to participate in one of our events this year be it solo, rally or autocross. And to those that are taking a breaking from 2020, rest assured that when the time is right and the pandemic is over we look forward to seeing EVERYONE again! And enough cannot be said for your region leaders and volunteers that organize and run our events, many hats off!

Your Cincinnati Board of Directors had our August meeting last month via Zoom on 8/18 and our plan is to have our next meeting on September 15th in the same manner. If you have any questions that you would like to have addressed by the board, please email them to me at and we will answer and either reply back to you or post the answers on our Facebook page. Also, we will be discussing options at our next meeting regarding our 2021 election of officers which normally follows the process of nominations at our October meeting and Elections at our November meeting. Since we are under restrictions still for large gatherings we will talk about options for what we will/can do for this pandemic year. If you have heard from members of other surrounding regions, the plans for their 2021 officer elections (if they have them) are far and wide. We will keep you up to date and if you are interested in running for a position, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or a member of the board!

Thank you again to our Event Chairs and the volunteers that make our events a success! See you soon!

Tony Brown
Cincinnati Region SCCA – R.E.