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Hello Cincinnati Region Members!

At our latest Cincinnati SCCA Board/Member Meeting on November 17th, the elections for our 2021 Cincinnati SCCA Officer’s were held. By unanimous decision the following will be your officers for 2021!

Region Executive – Tony Brown
Asst Region Executive – Gordon Benson
Treasurer – Christy Graham
Secretary – Glenn Thompson
Board Members at Large 2021-2022
– Brian Walker
– Jeff Loewe
– Takuto Takagi
Board Members at Large 2020-2021
– Jack Burns
– Jim Clark
– Tom Tomlinson

Registration is OPEN for our Cincinnati Region Annual Awards Banquet on FEBRUARY 6th, 2021. Once again it will be at the Fairfield Receptions Event Center in Fairfield. All of the details and registration for the banquet are online at PLEASE CLICK HERE to be taken to the site.

Our November meeting wrapped up our regular Board/Member meetings for 2020, our next meeting will be Tuesday January 19th, 2021 and details will come after the new year as to where and how it will take place, Our events have wound down for 2020 but lot’s of planning is going on for 2021 in hopes that the merciless pandemic will eventually be behind us. Please have a wonderful winter and be safe and healthy!

Take care and see you soon!
Tony Brown
Cincinnati Region SCCA, Regional Executive

2020 Meeting Schedule
December – No Meeting