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Solo Report

I cannot believe it is almost March, that means we are 5, make that FIVE weeks from our first event!!! Registration will be opening soon thanks to the Great and Powerful Tact. (I know, I promised two paragraphs of praise, but one line is really enough…)

The 2021 solo schedule has solidified a bit, with the Starting Line now being July 10th meaning the Autocross 101 will be Aug 21st. The SCCA national office has recently added three more national level events to the 2021 schedule, including the Toledo Pro. Check out the area schedule at the bottom of our 2021 schedule page to see when other neighboring region/club events are, national level events, CAM events, etc.

We are planning a solo trailer cleaning/organizing party the weekend of March 27-28, watch for details on the fb solo page. We are investigating the possibility of holding an annual tech inspection that same day for those who qualify to come early and get their car tech’d so they don’t have to wait in line at our first few events. Remember, that doesn’t mean your car doesn’t need tech’d before each event, it means you need to check it before the event.

Great news, we are working with a local asphalt company to investigate professional repairs to the bad parts of the lot which have been developing over the past few years. Will let you know more as we do.

Lastly, we are planning a solo committee meeting, probably by zoom one evening, day and time tbd.

There, short and sweet!

Kent Weaver
Cincy SCCA Solo Chair