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Road Rally Report

Registration is open for the first road rally of the season, next Saturday mid-morning April 10. The rest of the (tentative) dates are May 8, June 12, August 14, September 11*, and October 30*. (* These are changes to the schedule from that previously reported.) This rally will be a scavenger hunt for answers to questions as well as actual objects to deal with. It’s a great drive around Butler County. A set of non-competitive route instructions with a less than 1% chance of getting lost are available, if you just want to enjoy the drive. I’m sure we’re all anxious to get out. We will be meeting at Rick’s Tavern at the end of the rally for some socializing in a private section. You don’t have to be a member to participate in this kid friendly event. Registration is strongly encouraged at

Gordon Benson
Christy Graham or