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Area 4 Director Update for June, 2021

Spring has finally sprung and the GLDiv/SCCA calendar has lots of events on it across all of our programs. I hope your calendar is full of events you can attend this summer.

As you may have heard, the CDC announced dramatic changes in mask policy a couple of weeks ago. With this in mind, the SCCA has amended its Covid-19 protocols and has posted them here. Please review them and make sure to follow all guidelines mandated by your local authorities.

A momentous occasion this past month was when the SCCA issued a press release about the Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) on 5/4 via Kerrie Speed’s weekly email blast. This was a big deal as it announced to the general membership about the formation of the committee and signaled the beginning of a new era in SCCA. EVs are the future for personal use and the SCCA will be on the forefront of incorporating them into all levels of every program SCCA has to offer. For me personally, as the committee Chair, EV owner and competitor, I am very proud to be able to help usher the SCCA into this realm.

My schedule has gotten busier because I am now going to events instead of just sitting in on virtual meetings (although I’m still doing a lot of that)…..and the bulk of my calendar hasn’t even started yet. Oy vey! As I mentioned last month, I had a couple of meetings in late April that would carry over to this month’s update.

  • BoD (4/26): As usual, we discussed a wide variety of things. The usual financial update was given by Jeff Dahnert. We’re doing remarkably well considering the latent effects of the pandemic. A proposal was presented by Chris Robbins of how we might change the annual convention. Final decisions have not been made yet but I will notify you once a schedule has been squared away. We’re still in the midst of a swap from one BoD software/website platform to another. The BoD will have to have a few meetings to do some training as the new system is incorporated.
  • RXB (4/27): A National Tour event was held by STL Region that had a few major issues and the RXB was dealing with the aftermath of that event. A survey has been sent out so attendees could voice their opinion about the failings of the event. The RXB also discussed a variety of topics (National Championships, expanding the appeal of RX, Divisional Stewards responsibilities, etc.).
  • CRB (5/4): The CRB reviewed a considerable list of topics and letters. Much like last year, the CRB proposed a waiver for our Canadian members who wished to go to the Runoffs. Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, Canadians have difficulty crossing into the US. The BoD approved this as a way to minimize the hurdles they have to clear in order to attend the event at Indy.
  • EVAC (5/12): As this committee gets its “sea legs”, we started to carve a path forward for EVs as well as the safety aspects of incorporating them into the various programs SCCA offers. We’re taking baby steps to make sure that safety is not compromised and that everyone involved (workers, drivers, tracks, etc.) understands the parameters to make events safe and fun.
  • BoD (5/24): We covered a variety of topics. Once again, the financials continue to look good. The Solo Events Board (SEB) reported that several regions applied to participate in the Junior Driver Program (JDP). Three regions have been selected and the pilot program will begin this summer. We also discussed the recently created EVAC and where it should fit in the SCCA hierarchy.
  • RXB (5/25): The RXB meeting continued its practice of working on enhancing the program while also focusing on this season’s events (national championships, etc.). The STL Region event survey results were reviewed. Steps will be taken to ensure a repeat of the event’s shortcomings will not occur again.

In addition to the virtual meetings I attended, I started actually going to races this past month.

  • Pittsburgh International Race Complex (PIRC) trip (4/29-5/2): This trip had it all…..interesting weather (cold, rain and wind while doing the load in on Thursday, cold and windy on Friday, warmer in Saturday and Sunday), great competition and a fantastic (challenging) track layout. I was there crewing for friends and I used the event to catch up with friends. I got to meet Kristen Poole (SCCA Marketing Manager) and Dan Dennehy (Partner Relationship Manager). I’d spoken with Kristen many times but it’s always good to put a face to a voice.
  • GingerMan trip (5/16): As my wife and Mother in Law decided to have some “girl time” together, I decided to bail on that and head to GingerMan Raceway for the Spring Festival of Speed hosted by South Bend and Detroit regions. As this was the first race event in my area that I attended as Director, I wanted to make sure I visited with the workers, walked the paddock and spoke to drivers and generally took the temperature of things. The weather was great, SBR/DET were fantastic hosts, and I had a wonderful time. I look forward to returning to GingerMan for the Time Trials National Tour in July.

One additional “GingerMan adjacent” note for racers going to South Haven. Last year we were told that Sherman’s Ice Cream stand would not be selling their ice cream anymore. The store would remain open but use another vendor’s products. While visiting there on 5/16, I discovered that another vendor stepped in and is producing ice cream using Sherman’s recipes. I can report that nothing has changed…..same great taste, same great service.

  • MidOhio trip (5/21-5/23): My first Major Club Race as Director……although, truth be told, I had no “real” function at the event. I schmoozed, talked to drivers and workers and generally tried to help where I could. I crewed for a couple of friends as well. The weather was OK and, for once, I did NOT have horrible sinus issues when visiting MidO.

The next month isn’t as hectic in terms of traveling. I only have two track events on my schedule for June (June Sprints; Road America; 6/4 to 6/6 and “Original Unrestricted” Double Regional; Grattan Raceway; 6/19, 6/20). July is when it gets ugly as I have a whole slew of track events on my

Don’t forget that our revised if you have any comments or corrections. If your region has and event you’d like to see on the divisional calendar, please reach out to him with the details (event title, date, location, registration link, etc.).

Dayle Frame