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RoadRally Report

6 teams joined us for a beautiful drive on the twisty, hilly roads of Boone County, on a glorious day. The rain held off until we finished, or at least almost finished. There was a tie for first place which was decided by a couple tie breaker questions. A good time was had by all. This is the first rally I have actually been able to compete in for quite a while. I was surprised that I was a little nervous to set out on an unknown course. Let’s just say my (and my partner’s) finishing position is testament to the fact that I did not have prior knowledge of the route, questions and tie breaker questions. Full results and standings are posted on the website.

Join the fun at the next event on June 25. The location is still in flux, but registration will open once the final details are confirmed.
Mark your calendars for the following remaining dates:

  • 6/25
  • 8/13
  • 9/17
  • 10/29

Contact us at the email or phone number below for additional information. Want to be added to the email list and receive reminders, notification of open registration and additional information? Send us an email with the request and it shall be done! Want to suggest an area with awesome roads, we’re open to that too.

Gordon Benson
Christy Graham or