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Area 4 Director Update for July 2022

I thought June was going to allow me to take a breath…..but I was mistaken.  Yes, I had fewer events to attend in person but there were several more Zoom meetings, EVAC emails to write, etc., so I was still pretty busy this past month.

Next month I will be driving to Kansas City for the BoD meeting on 7/29, 7/30.  While there, I will also be sitting in on the CRB meeting on 7/28.

Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (6/7): Much discussion was had about a new initiative called “Green to Checker” or G2C.  A myriad of decisions and policies over the years have led to poor performance on track during Club Racing events.  There are just too many sessions that are stopped by a black flag all (BFA) or under full course yellow (FCY) due to an incident on track.  G2C will try to change the course away from the trend of too many BFAs and FCYs which diminishes the race experience for all involved.  This policy is in the planning phase and I will report the results when the protocols are adopted.  While this was discussed by the CRB, rest assured this has also been discussed at the BoD level as well.  Changes are coming once we figure out the most effective way to alter the course of the program.  More work was done on the face-to-face meeting to be held in July (7/28).  The results of CRB rules changes can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (6/8): We had guests for part of the meeting (Chris Robbins and Abby Scher) as we discussed how to train and educate the SCCA membership on how to interact with EVs when they participate at events.  We tied up some loose ends on the 2nd iteration of the SCREV.  We are also nearly finished with a package for Production cars and are continuing work on a package for formula cars. 
  • BSpec Advisory Committee (6/14): The BSAC group had some solid suggestions for how to modify our ESpec rules package. 
  • Touring Advisory Committee (6/20): The TAC folks had some sage advice for me on the ESpec rules as well. 
  • SCCA BoD Team Development (6/22): Those of us new to the BoD were asked to take a Myers Briggs Type Indicator Test.  That was done online a couple of weeks ago.  The results were revealed during a two hour Zoom call.  I had never done this type of personality analysis before.  All of this was done to allow the BoD work better together and be a more effective governing body.
  • Board of Directors (BoD) (6/27): We had a light agenda since we are meeting face to face next month.  We discussed the compensation for the President (Mike Cobb).  I gave an EVAC update.  We did more planning for our meeting in Kansas City next month.  We also received an update on the Haynes lawsuit.
  • Production Advisory Committee (6/28): Once again, a sub committee of the CRB provided some valuable insight on how we should modify the ESpec rules package.


SCCA Events:

  • FSAE @ MIS (6/15-6/17): Man oh man!  What a great time I had at this event.  To see so many college kids working together was truly uplifting.  There were teams representing schools from all over the country as well as several more from Canada.  As Chair of the EVAC, my goal was to see how the EVs were designed and built.  To that end, I hung out in the EV inspection area.  This allowed me to watch the inspectors go through the EV cars with a fine tooth comb.  Watching them helped me understand how the EVs were wired.  I was especially interested in the safety features of the EVs.  We are adopting some of these key safety features in our prototype and formula car rules packages.
  • WMR SCCA Double Regional @ Grattan Raceway (6/18, 6/19): This event was fun to attend as it brought me back to my roots.  I started out as an F&C guy way back when and that’s what I did this weekend.  I had the pleasure of working with a new member too.  It was another chance for me to “pay it forward” so the next generation of SCCA member gets the advice and counsel that I did when I joined.
  • I have updated my calendar on the GLDiv website with events I’d like to go to this season. Click here to see where I’ll be this summer.

Be sure and visit the GLDiv website for information about all of the SCCA programs within the division.  We have schedules, official’s contact info, standings, etc. for all the SCCA programs.

The various national schedules for 2022 are starting to coalesce and they can be found here: 

Pro Solo/National Tour, Time Trials National Tour, Hoosier Super Tour, Enduro.

Please take a few minutes and make sure your contact information is accurate in the SCCA database.  It’s important to have the correct information there so the club knows how to contact you.  Log in to your page and check. 

As I mentioned previously, there is a new path to getting your annual waiver.  You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP).  Follow this link to get the instructions.  There is also a story about the program here.  I’ve done it and it only takes a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.

Just a quick reminder, if any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit.  I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame