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Area 4 Director Update for December 2022

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The “off season” arrives and I wholeheartedly chortle…’s really the beginning of the next season for those of us working behind the scenes…..there really is no “off season” folks so I continue to work to help our divisional programs prepare for the upcoming year.

Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (11/1): The CRB met and continued to move forward on a variety of topics.  Some are very much long term, strategic in their nature.  I’m glad to see that they’ve moved on from extended discussion about minute rules questions and are leaving that to the Ad Hoc committees.  The results of CRB rules changes can be seen here.
  • Board of Directors (BoD) (11/7): We met off schedule with the Rally Cross Board (RXB) Chair (current and incoming) to discuss the future of the program.  Once they gave us the “State of the Program”, they left and were able to have a conversation about the program.  Some decisions wer made and we passed those along to the President (Mike Cobb).
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (11/9): After a couple of months of stagnation, things are starting to move quickly.  Our SCREV is getting some final revisions and will be presented to the BoD on 12/3. Our rules packages for Club Racing (P2EV, ESpec) are getting some last-minute polishing and should be ready for publication to the membership very soon. 
  • Budget & Finance Committee (11/15): We received a preliminary budget from the President.  After he outlined the details for us, we had some time to discuss the overall package.  We met in Executive Session (only BoD members) and had a chat about how to move forward in these trying economic times.
  • Budget & Finance Committee (11/25): We met in a short session (45 minutes) to iron out some financial topics on the 2023 budget.  As we are meeting on 12/3, we wanted Mike to juggle some of the budget items so the entire BoD could discuss the complete 2023 package.
  • EVAC (11/28): I decided that we needed an additional “off schedule” meeting to iron out some revisions to the rules packages before I head off to the BoD meeting.

SCCA Events:

  • None since it our off season.


A quick reminder that the GLDiv Spring Meeting will occur on 3/3 and 3/4 at the same site as last year (Manchester University).  Friday (3/3) will be a social event that evening and 3/4 will be the meeting.  The meetings will be across all programs, so I encourage all members to attend.  With more programs under the SCCA banner these days, we need to focus on teamwork to help each region put on the best events they can. 

I will be introducing our new Club Racing Executive Steward at this event.  Her name is Lauri Burkons and she will be taking over the reins from Duane Harrington.  She has some large shows to fill and a lot of work to do so the expectations are high.  But I know she’s up to the task as we move forward.  She and I have already been working together to ensure that she hits the ground running in 2023. 

As usual, Val McCammon is coordinating the event.  She will send a “call for sessions” email soon.  She also asked that I remind folks to contact her (, 260.437.6707) with any topic or session ideas they would like to see.


Be sure and visit the GLDiv website for information about all of the SCCA programs within the division.  We have schedules, official’s contact info, standings, etc. for all the SCCA programs.

Please take a few minutes and make sure your contact information is accurate in the SCCA database.  It’s important to have the correct information there so the club knows how to contact you.  Log in to your page and check. 

As I mentioned previously, there is a new path to getting your annual waiver.  You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP).  Follow this link to get the instructions.  There is also a story about the program here.  I’ve done it and it only takes a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.

Just a quick reminder, if any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit.  I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.

Dayle Frame