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SCCA RoadRally events are held on public roads. This form of motorsport has no more barriers to entry than the daily driving done by millions of people. The costs are as low as any form of motorsports in existence and the risks are no higher than you might encounter on your commute to work.

About RoadRally

Two people (a driver and a navigator) in ordinary cars make up a road rally team.

A RoadRally is traversed over public roads within the legal speed limit. RoadRallys have many forms but often the challenge is to drive the route, identifying various points along the route. Each team needs something to write on and with.

After receiving and browsing the route instructions, cars start at intervals. You must follow the course using the instructions in the route book, as well as the general instructions that govern the rally. Meanwhile, you must identify various points along the routes. You will be looking for interesting landmarks, signs, buildings, etc.

A Contest of Precision

Points are awarded for correctly following the route and identifying the items specified on the route guide. This is a contest of precision, not a race. At the conclusion, scores for each team are totaled, and the highest score wins. Sound easy? Well, it takes teamwork and practice to get very good scores.

Regardless of how well you score, rallying is a lot of fun if you like to spend time in your car, see some scenery and spend time with congenial people. Rallies usually end at a location where munchies and beverages are available. You can join the rest of the crowd in discussing how the event went and how you did, while waiting for the final scores to be calculated and trophies to be awarded.

Road Rally 101 (PDF)