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RoadRally Report

The May event is in the books and the rain held off just long enough for all the competitors to arrive at Applebee’s. The results are listed below. We welcomed two new competitors, rookies to both SCCA and the rally scene. Ty Bradley and Tanner Miller had a very respectable finish and a good time. We hope to see them back as regulars as well as at Rally Cross and Solo events.

Gordon & Teresa Benson led the pack, with Scott Bitzer and Steve Winegar were a close second. Jim Wiles paired up with Eric Blackmon to finish third. Our newbies finished fourth, with EB Lunken & Chuck Thompson bringing up the rear.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE JUNE 16TH EVENT, the 222 Shuffle. We will be starting from the Quaker Steak & Lube in Milford. Drivers and Navigators unite and sign up on Bring teams of your neighbors, friends or co-workers (who have not participated with us in the last two years) and you and each team you bring will receive a $5 discount off the registration fee. If you need to be paired up with a running partner, let us know and we’ll do our best. Our rallies always end at a location disclosed before you start your drive and is always a family friendly place with food and adult beverages available. Competition promises to be fierce for the 2018 Series Championship.

For those new to the sport, Road Rallies are run on public roads at legal (sometimes brisk) speeds on a variety of roads. Route instructions can be challenging but if you are careful you will NOT get lost. Any street licensed vehicle capable of accommodating a driver and a navigator who can communicate safely (so probably not a motorcycle) from a smart car to a pickup truck are eligible and kids are welcome. Penalty points are given for incorrect answers to questions that can be answered by making observations along the route. Low score wins. Awards are presented for each event and points are assigned based on finishing position to determine a series champion.

The schedule as it now stands is as follows:

Date Rally Master
April 14 EB Lunken
May 26 Jim Knepper
June 16 Colleen Cabe
July 21 Lee Grimes
August 25 Jim Wiles
October 6 Gordon Benson
November 3 TBD

One more date is still available if you’d like to set up a rally. Assistance can be provided. Contact me if you have questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair