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RoadRally Report

The April 25 rally has been cancelled – another victim of COVID19. I hope everyone is healthy and not going stir crazy. Mark the rest of these tentative dates on your calendar: May 30, July 11, August 29, October 3 (possibly the 10th) & November 7. Whether or not the events can be held will be decided (or determined by government mandates) on a case by case basis throughout the year. Meanwhile, gas is cheap, and you can stay separated from the general public while going for a drive. If you go exploring and find some cool roads, pass along the street names or any other information you can, and we’ll incorporate them into a future rally. Or lay out a course yourself and be a future Rally Master. Just use caution/gloves/etc. when filling your gas tank.
Visit the website for more information on Road Rally. Registration pages will be available at soon. Contact me with questions.

Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair or