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CincySCCA Index Class Quick Lookup

If you choose to, CincySCCA Solo program offers Index Classes based on class category (Street, Street Touring, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared, and Modified), as well as competitor’s experience level (Novice and Pro).

For example, a new competitor can run “Novice” PAX class with other novice drivers, regardless of their car and its preparation level. The competitor’s time will be multiplied by “PAX Index”, so that theoretically it will eliminate the factor of what car everyone is driving.

The intent of the PAX Classes is to create larger competition groups. They are fun and very popular. If you do not want to run in a PAX Class, Select the appropriate class for your car, and then select “None” for the PAX Class.

For Cincinnati index classes, identify your car with the index class and car number ONLY. For example, if entered in the Street Open (S) class with the number 12, your car should be identified as “12 S”. There is NO need to put your base class on the car. Make sure your class and number are clearly visible from a distance. This helps a great deal in making our event operations run smoothly.

On Your CarClass NameIncludes:Note:
NSNovice StreetSS, AS, BS, CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, HS, HCSAny Novice Drivers (Less than One year of experience) in Street Category
NMNovice ModifiedCAMS, CAMC, CAMT, XP, AP, BP, CP, DP, EP, FP, AM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FM, SMF, SM, SSM, SSP, ASP, BSP, CSP, DSP, ESP, FSP, HCR, SST, AST, BST, CST, DST, EST, GST, XA, XBAny Novice Drivers (Less than One year of experience) in all other categories
SStreet OpenSS, AS, BS, CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, HS, HCSAll Street Categories
STStreet Touring OpenSST, AST, BST, CST, DST, EST, GST, XA, XBAll Street Touring Categories (plus XA and XB)
SPStreet Prepared OpenSSP, ASP, BSP, CSP, DSP, ESP, FSP, HCRAll Street Prepared Categories
SMOStreet Modified OpenSM, SMF, SSMAll Street Modified Categories
PPrepared OpenXP, AP, BP, CP, DP, EP, FPAll Prepared Categories
M Modified OpenAM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FMAll Modified Categories
X Pro ClassAnyOpen to any drivers, any cars.