CincySCCA is hosting Starting-Line

Signup Now!

The Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School is a partnership between the Sports Car Club of America and Tire Rack to give automotive enthusiasts at every level a professional, all-inclusive entry into the sport of performance driving and the chance to have some fun with their cars. The full-day school introduces key concepts applicable to performance driving and offers participants the opportunity to develop motorsports skills while working with professional performance driving instructors. Professional instructors teach:

-Vehicle dynamics
-Traction management
-Vision and control
-Tips and techniques custom tailored to match your needs and ability level

Starting Line participants leave ready for motorsports competition if that’s where their interest takes them, but everyone gains an understanding of the capabilities of their vehicle and is given the opportunity to have a little fun with it. In addition to a full day of instruction, the Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line package includes a complete motorsports starter kit. Participants receive an SCCA membership, entries for optional future events, as well as subscriptions to SportsCar and Grassroots Motorsports magazines. The option to add a Snell- approved motorsports helmet will be coming soon. For detailed information, school calendar / locations, autocross FAQs and more visit the Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line website: Starting Line Info

In addition to a full day of professional performance driving instruction, the $325 Starting Line Package also includes:

-SCCA Tire Rack Championship Tour or Match Tour Entry ($110 Value)
-SCCA Track Night in America Entry ($150 Value)
-SCCA Membership ($85 Value)
-Regional Event Entry ($35 Value)
-Starting Line Hat
-SportsCar Magazine Subscription
-Grassroots Motorsports Subscription


Solo: Canceled Event on 04/08

Regrettably we have decided we must cancel our Fun Event this Sunday, Apr 8, due to the uncooperative frigid weather forecast.

A great deal of deliberation went into this decision by our team as I know many of you were looking just as forward to this event and shaking off the winter as we were. The safety concerns regarding the slipperiness of the cold sealed asphalt, risk of damage to equipment or competitors vehicles, concern over potential loss of site if we were to have an incident, the health of the competitors, and possible performance tire damage all contributed to outweigh the potential benefits for all.

Sorry, we will attempt to reschedule this event sometime later in the season. Appreciate your understanding and patience as we made this decision. For those of you who prepaid, there will be no charge to your credit card for this event. Please contact us if you have any questions or concern.

Look forward to seeing everyone at our Apr 22 event!

Kent Weaver

Solo: Please Read! 04/08 Spring Fun Event

Due to extreme cold temperatures forecast for Sunday (Low19°, high 40°) after the forecast of 2-4″ of snow Fri-Sat, we are considering postponing the Fun Event this Sunday for safety concerns.

If you are considering attending this weekend, or was and changed the mind due to the weather, please Register or cancel the registration so we can get an accurate driver count.

Will advise once we weigh all the alternatives.

If we decide to have the Fun Event this weekend and you are to attend, please dress appropriately with at least 3-4 layers on your torso with good gloves and stocking hat (not ball caps)! If you have already tacked away your winter clothes, Trader’s World sells gloves and hats!

Race Report – April 2018

Get geared up for the Todd Cholmondeley IT-Spec*tacular Double Regional Road Race Saturday & Sunday August 4th and 5th at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, OH. Our event is a fan favorite and we are known for offering a good time for all who attend. Plans are still in the works but you can expect the usual good racing and good food along with the deluxe JELLO SHOTS, renowned across the whole of Great Lakes Division.
Not a racer? Bring your street car (or solo car) and sign up for the Track Event on Friday August 3rd (formerly PDX). You will get several sessions of track time with a competition driver as a coach. Stay for Saturday or the whole weekend and get a taste of race life. Earn a rebate off your entry fee for volunteering to work a specialty and support the race.
Want to get across the fence and watch the racing up close and personal? – Flagging & Communication
Want to get touchy feely with the cars and talk to the drivers before their session? – Grid
Want to get into the technical workings of the cars? – Scrutineer
Want to help score the cars on the track (and stay out of the weather)? – Timing & Scoring
Lots of help is needed to make a weekend go off smoothly. Let me know what you think you want to do and I’ll find a place (and a contact/mentor) for you. Or just let me know you want to be involved and you can choose from a wide array of duties that need to be covered.
Christy Graham
Race Chair

Rally Report – April, 2018

It’s time! Spring is officially here, regardless of what the weather is doing. REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE APRIL 14TH EVENT. We have a record 7 rallies on the schedule this year, and we want to see a lot of competitors. Drivers and Navigators unite and sign up on Bring teams of your neighbors, friends or co-workers (who have not participated with us in the last two years) and you and each team you bring will receive a $5 discount off the registration fee. If you need to be paired up with a running partner, let us know and we’ll do our best. Our rallies always end at a location disclosed before you start your drive and is always a family friendly place with food and adult beverages available. Competition promises to be fierce for the 2018 Series Championship.
For those new to the sport, Road Rallies are run on public roads at legal (sometimes brisk) speeds on a variety of roads. Route instructions can be challenging but if you are careful you will NOT get lost. Any street licensed vehicle capable of accommodating a driver and a navigator who can communicate safely (so probably not a motorcycle) from a smart car to a pickup truck are eligible and kids are welcome. Penalty points are given for incorrect answers to questions that can be answered by making observations along the route. Low score wins. Awards are presented for each event and points are assigned based on finishing position to determine a series champion.
The schedule as it now stands is as follows:

Date/Rally Master
April 14/EB Lunken
May 26/Jim Knepper
June 16/Colleen Cabe
July 21
August 25
October 6/Gordon Benson
November 3

Some dates are still available if you’d like to set up a rally. Contact me if you have questions or want to lock in a date.
Christy Graham
Road Rally Chair

April RallyCross Report

Saturday April 14 marks the season opening rallycross at Bitzers farm!
Re-mount your snow tires and come out for some loose surface fun!
Registration is open on

If you haven’t looked or are new to rallycross visit the SCCA Rallycross Rulebook for some casual reading!

SCCA Ralllycross Rulebook

For local news,info and any questions you can join the Facebook site of western Ohio region; WOR SCCA Rallycross

As always you can email me with any questions!

Thanks!! Hope to see everyone soon!
