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Race Report

Scheduling is still tentative for the road racing, track event, time trial and bracket races in the Great Lakes Division, but things are coming together. So far on the schedule are three weekends that will provide for non-competition licensed drivers to put their safety compliant car on road courses in the division, and talks are still underway with Cendiv for additional opportunities.

Check out the website for an article from one of Cincinnati Region’s own highly successful drivers, who recounts his experience at the Runoffs this year.

We strive to make our race, which will probably be August 7-9, better every year. Anyone with ideas or requests should let us know. We can ALWAYS use more hands-on-deck to make the load lighter for all. I travel to all the GLD races and I frequently overhear comments that Cincy puts on a great event and the membership comes out to support the region. I don’t take the credit for membership turnout, but I’m very proud of it. Join the fun!

Christy Graham
Race Chair or