Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back! That is the theme for the month of June. We have gone through many iterations of on and off over the past few months. Even as late as the week before last things changed three times in three days before settling in as a go. Of course we are subject to the State of Ohio COVID-19 guidelines and orders which are ever changing to react to the situation and threat.
So as of right now we are a go for our first events of 2020 this weekend with a limited entry Test & Tune this Sat and our first points event (still titled PE3) Sunday!!! These are limited entry events which are pre-register and prepay only – NO WALKUPS.
Since Traders World is so visible publicly we need to follow closely to help ensure we keep our site and ability to put on events there. Understand wearing a mask and social distancing can be a hassle or is no fun, but please do what you can to help us. Face masks are required as you come through the gate, sign waivers, driver check in, and some worker positions. We will have a limited supply of face masks available at our cost and Will also have gloves.
Depending how all this goes we will see how things change for our next event on Jun 21st. Those will also be preregistration and prepay so register early!
Kent Weaver