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Solo: Spring Fun / PE1 Registration is now open

Finally, after a long winter, the racing season is here!!

Our season opener, the Spring Fun Event 1 and Point Events #1 registration is now open at

Photo courtesy of Jeff Loewe Photography

* There are some major rule/class changes especially for the Street Touring Category. Please check out our Solo Rules Page for some useful links!

** If you are looking to update your Class/Number vinyls and magnets, please consider our club sponsor and our local competitor Autocross Digits, for their high quality products!

*** Snell M/SA 2010 helmets are allowed to be used for 2025 season for Solo/Rallycross as new 2025 standards are not available yet. However, if you are looking to purchase a new helmet, please know those 2010 rated helmets will not be legal to be used during our events next year!!

**** Permanent number registration completed on/after March 1st has to be processed manually by the Event Registrar and it may take up to 1 week or longer to be confirmed.